Friday 6 October 2017

Old school memories: Chicken Adobo

Only those who have attended Mountain View College as a student, will fondly remember stories like this. It is about the Ministerial Seminar (MS) - a department in the School of Theology that assigns students to the different SDA churches around the school either “walking distance” or “riding distance” depending on the means to get there. The churches they are assigned to become their “district” and they are expected to assist or lead out in the church services on scheduled Saturdays.

For the theology majors, membership in the MS accounts for their course credits, but non-theology students may tag along with the permission from their respective deans. To some, this activity breaks the boredom of having to sit through church services in the campus.

School vehicles for distant destinations are not always available and personal or private cars are sometimes “borrowed” by the MS with a gas subsidy. This was the reason why I was present in one trip to Calao-calao Don Carlos on board Winston “Kid” Tan’s renegade jeep/pickup as his substitute driver. Winston at that time was under suspension for some misdemeanor and he wasn’t allowed by the school to drive.

We got to the church in Calao-calao that Saturday morning and in no time the theology students were busying themselves with the worship activities. This left Winston and me in the jeep that we parked by the church elder’s house a short distance away. We had no plans to join the worship service, but intended to doze off until one daring chicken hopped on the hood of the jeep. It looked like it was used to being around people so we figured out that we could catch it without it making much noise. After a few failed attempts the plump and unlucky rooster was  among the other contents of the glove compartment with his head under a wing to make him believe that he was asleep.

With the day’s activity done we drove back to the campus with thoughts of a delightful meal of adobo dancing in our heads. It was an hour before midnight when we got back, and in no time the tasty rooster was reduced to a heap of bones. 

The reader may want to know that we repented in due time. 

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