Thursday 12 October 2017

A doctor's life: Virgin

Treating disease and trauma was not always the case for me at Landasan. Sometimes I was sought as an expert witness in resolving certain issues that came up every so often in Muslim families regarding the purity of their daughters.

One typical episode started with the arrival of a loaded Ford Fiera at the hospital. We craned our necks to see what could possibly be the case for treatment, and we noted that the vehicle was full of what looked like a Maranao family who alighted and filed into the entrance. The eldest man - who looked like the grandfather, approached the information desk and asked for the doctor. He hesitated when he was told that the doctor was a "he," but he still asked to see me.

The elderly man explained to me that a guy in another village was bragging that he already 'touched' one of his granddaughters and the man wanted check on the veracity of the claim. If true, he said that the girl who was only 14 years old will have to be punished severely and executing her to uphold the honor of the family was not a remote possibility depending on the prevailing circumstances after she was found to be guilty. I knew that the grandfather was just trying to appear powerful to me, but I also realized the seriousness of the matter. I glanced at the rest of the group seated in the waiting area and a petite young lady caught my eye. Apparently she was intimidated and scared for her life.

The elderly guy reiterated that he wanted a lady doctor to which I replied that there was none available. He went back to the group and they huddled to discuss the situation, and in a few minutes he was back and announced that the family decided that I should examine the lass, because this matter cannot wait any longer.

Scenes of a screaming girl being lashed and tortured and even driven from home or executed raced through my mind as the nurse led the girl to the examining room. I knew that I held her future in my hands and the decision weighed heavily on me. When the nurse said that the patient was ready, I took my position by the frightened lass and went through the motions of doing an examination. She looked with bewilderment at me when she realized that I was not examining her at all. This apparently surprised her, but I motioned to her not to be afraid and to just trust me.

After the 'examination' was done, the lass rejoined the group and all eyes were on me in anticipation for the findings and verdict. With a voice filled with conviction and authority I congratulated the grandfather and declared that his granddaughter was still a virgin. You could see the expression of relief on the face of the lass as she was hugged by her mother. There was no celebration, because they still had to get even with the braggart - a practice that the Maranao people have to fulfill against their enemies.

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