Monday 3 January 2011

kui buri @ prachuap kirikhan

This album could have been entitled “New Year 2011 weekend” if not for the fact that all five of us – jo ann, jp, nok, kukie and myself were on duty on the 1st day of the year. Saturday – January 1, we were all physically present at work, but obviously our minds were out on the beach.

Kui Buri is a neighbor city of Hua Hin and is 200 km south of Bangkok through a well paved and maintained 6-lane highway. It could be reached by bus, train and car, but this time we got a van for the whole trip. The photos will tell you the rest of the story. The details of the story are at the base of the photos.

Thank you Jesus for allowing me to enjoy my family while I still can. This trip was for your honor and glory!!

 7 am and we are ready to leave. kailee may have been excited, but the adults admitted that getting out of the work routine for 2 days was really rewarding.

 wayfarer was the in-thing except for kailee.

 first stop at a Buddhist monastery...this impatient baby elephant insisted on taking the whole pack of sugarcane in one gulp.

 lunch at a beach resto...

 khao pad khai, pla tod,

 Kui Buri Hotel and Resort

 we had 2 adjacent connecting rooms @ 1,400baht/room + breakfast buffet for 2. an additional bed cost 500baht + free breakfast.

 the villas and pool

 the main hotel buildling

 the restaurant on the far end

 kai taking the plunge

 mom and child trying to look relaxed

 "hey mom I can do the split!"

 @ hua hin in a flirtuous pose

 a street @ hua hin

 our dinner @ hua hin

 tom yum goong

 a street in hua hin like khao sarn

 christmas gifts for each one...kailee was dead tired from the swim

family pose after opening the gifts

 6 am the following day I was up early to capture the sunrise

  clouds/smog in the distance hid the sun at the earlier phase of its rise. quite disappointing.

 I was wishing a boat would pass to give more meaning to the photo.

 the calm and colored gulf of Siam

 peace at its best definition. this resort was the only one on this stretch of beach unlike in pattaya and hua hin where resorts are adjacent to each other and where you bump into someone every few meters.

 this lady was attacked by two killer whales. a third killer whale went for the other lady in the top left corner.

 I don't know what this guy's up to

 water skiing I guess

 or just trying to make a big impression

 this bouquet is dedicated to warren

 a ship wreck survivor washed ashore

 just can't get enough

 "miss, can I have your number pls?

 I finally caught up with a model

 can't tell top from bottom

 breakfast buffet

 table's clean even after 4 plates

 most loved photo of the trip

 I wish I could eat b-fast here every day

 that's my salad

 lunch at hua hin on the way home

 kukie's plate

the cat that followed me for 2 hours until kukie shooed it off. I bet this feline liked fish very much.


  1. Maayo gyud ka bai! Happy New Year to you and to the good looking people with you in the pics.

  2. thanks frere... have a blessed year ahead. miss you guys!

  3. Pastilan, bai, gigutom ko nga nagtan-aw. You really know how to use a camera to full effect...;-)

  4. I don't know what "yum" translates to in Thai but any dish which includes that word for its name has got to be yum... By the way, bro Sun, is "goong" a breviated word for bagoong?

  5. Bro Sun, I salute your eye for photography. Such remarkable clash of colours just takes my breath away. Thanks for sharing.

  6. For a man your age, bro, your physique is not that bad. Do you work out at all?...;-)

  7. Thanks, man, I've heard it said that flowers are intended for the solace of ordinary humanity. For me, I'd like to wear 'em and dance the hula...hahaha

  8. Whenever I see an enviable romantic pose by two people in love, I can't help but be reminded by these song lyrics -

    "Got to believe in magic,
    tell me how two people find each other in a world that's full of strangers"

    Amazing, isn't it?

  9. hahahaha... the wit in you can't be suppressed wa... they pronounce that here as "kung" even if the spell it as "goong." I wouldn't trade my mom's home-brewed pangasinan bago-ong for a bowl of this spicy stew.

  10. I would say "blend" because if you add a white triangle with 3 stars and a sun in one side you will have the philippine flag, albeit inverted with the red on top... and that's when your "clash" aptly proclaims war. thanks for the compliment bro.

  11. yeah... I spend 6 days a week working in the office, eat out regularly with the family and of course lift weights daily - my granddaughter weighs 16 kilos and she's the best gym I've ever done in years. if that's what you call a work-out. lol

  12. if hula's the step I could dance tandem with you... break dancing is too mild for me bro. hahaha

  13. Bro Sun, this predisposition of lying down with your head against the sea arouses something in the subconscious. The illusion of water rushing into my head brings forth that cool, smooth and flowing serenity. Bai, you've got it down to a fine art, man, that I have to feature this dude doing the same thing on my newly-constructed music blog. Here's the link -

  14. i was there bro and i'm humbled by your account of me. thanks.

    bro... i just discovered in this beach that a balding head is the best defense against a tsunami... if a face could launch a thousand ships then why can't a head stop a wave?

  15. Bro, I agree, a balding head is like a fortress... It literally stops the wave of womenfolk's unwanted attention... ha haha

  16. very nice place..just looking at the beach and the water makes me imagine the warm feeling. IT is so cold here now and even in summer the water is cold. hope to be back...kailan kaya...

  17. kailee pwede magtabi sa yo? thats my seat there diba?

  18. don't let that elephant kiss he did to ate elaine

  19. swimming na ako. sama ako sa mallit na nag split

  20. sama ako dyan an...tingin tingin....bili bili rin

  21. hmm sabaw lang ako...basig anghan di makaya

  22. this would be a good time to walk in the beach...Gods beautiful creation

  23. maayo ka pa kay naay dedication...haha bagay

  24. unsay plano nato destination

  25. miss asa ta laag miss pahulam og sunglass

  26. yan eto ang gusto ko breakfast with all the different tropical fruits

  27. Thank you tol for allowing me to journey with you to this resort. till next destination

  28. abangan... kuala lumpur, kotakinabalu, tawau, sipadan, bonggao, jolo, zamboanga, davao, bansalan, manila... i wish i had time for pagadian so warren can be updated with the latest photos from his beloved lumbia (?)

  29. Bro Sun, kind of anticipating the latest from you.. What's up these days, my adventurous friend?... hehehe...I've visited Bongao, Jolo, Zamboanga City... You know, in the early 80s I've been to Tawau and I'm left with good memories living in this house with the only mananggutay sa Sabah. It still clings in my mouth the taste of the fresh harvest of tuba in the morning. This old man literally owned a distillery with a few coconut trees and his sugong, earning Malaysian dollars for what we consider a lowly drink in the Philippines. Been to Kota Kinabalu, too. There's a multi-storeyed hotel there where evrery room is occupied by "wonderful women" and you just donate a bit of money to sleep and use the room for some precious moments. Of course, she'll be looking after your every need. I stayed away from such experience, being a God-fearing SDA at that time but they're just a couple of things that shocked me while in Malaysia...If you're planning this trip, I'd be with bated breath for the pictures... heheh

  30. now you're spilling the beans!! at last the pieces in the jigsaw puzzle of the mystery of your life are falling into place and i can see the smuggler plying his trade between sabah and zamboanga via bonggao on a kumpit. it could not have been with the abu sayyaf coz they were non-existent then... but pastor abdulmajid's kin were already shifting blue seal cartons through these waters in those days.

    yeah... i'll take some photos of your hideout and hopefully get a glimpse of the red wine factory that you used to patronize. I'm not planning the trip bro... it's booked, paid and inked already including the hotel at semporna and resorts at mabul, kapalai and sipadan. 5 days of diving with the green turtles, manta rays, barracudas and hammerheads. but i've noticed that lately time is not moving fast enough.

  31. bro, i used tact, eloquence and sheer guts to get this 16-year old chic 31 years ago and you say it was magic... did i have that option? lol

  32. That to me, Bro Sun, has always been the modus operandi of this ancient organization called Men. The song lyrics must have the point of reference to this unusual phenomenon when the subject reciprocates the affection ... And what are the odds of meeting that particular individual out of the 6 billion strangers that inhabit this lonely planet?!... That's gotta be magic, bro...

  33. ok i'll concede... but i still say that the Dhamma - citta niyama had something to do with this, because i've known this lass since she was in kindergarten and i was in high school, but i only willed to make her mine when she was in her high school senior year. I also concede to the the fact that God destined her to be mine even before time began.... ehem.

  34. Bro, how I wish I could say the same thing to my wife cause each time we fought she would yell at me "You don't own me!"... hah haha
    On a serious note, there's nothing to concede, man... We're both just trying to unravel the mystery of man and woman clinging to each other for the sake of happiness, which I put in simplistic term as "magic".
    For lack of a better way of saying it, let me just put it this way - to witness two lovers is a spectacle for the gods. Happy Valentines to you and your beloved.

  35. Thanks bro... and let me remind you that if you greeted me that way 35 years ago i would have had goosebumps and some questions in my mind. but since we've both proven our worth as good ole romantic men, i'll even blow you back a kiss with wishes for a happy valentines for you and your beloved :)

  36. ... talk about "goosebumps and some questions in my mind".. he hehe
    Thanks, bro, I'll pass it on to the missus...;-)


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