Friday 20 June 2014

Shreik, Rattle and Roll

Never in my wildest dreams or in my over-ripe years,
The chance to spend a day with these much younger peers.
Aboard such death-defying rides on one sun shiny day
At Six Flags park in the rolling hills near the city of L.A.

Who would ever imagine that Goliath was this tall?
He’ll take you way up to the sky and push you on a fall.
You barrel down a steep incline into an underground tunnel
Lungs squeeze into your pelvis, your balls bang like a bell.

The viper and colossus in years forgotten they were made.
These rides got my brain numb, my eyes green like jade.
For these I had all the reasons to miss the suave tatsu,
But I returned with vengeance the superman to pursue. 

This ride takes you up the clouds, people below looking so small
Then it gives you one quiet moment to meditate on death’s call.
At lightning speed you’re sent crashing down to certain doom,
But you land soft as a feather a few inches short of your tomb.

By fate I had the chance to sit by this dude while on X2.
You’d think he was the silent type and I was left without a clue.
The shrieking and the laughter was the loudest that he ever made
that gave me more urgent reasons to use my sister’s hearing aid.

these are the other photos that we took on that glorious day.
I’ll spare you all the boredom that my words can ever say.
The obvious reason is I’m tired of making the words rhyme.
So see y’all in another album in my own space and time.

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