Saturday 21 June 2014

Jo ann re-visits the redwood giants

Being inside a forest is awe-inspiring. Being inside a forest of the biggest trees in the world takes ones breath away. Being inside a forest of the biggest trees with the most beautiful lady on earth is heavenly.

Before you even open your mouth to disagree, please go over the photos that were shot during our recent trip to the U.S.

this is Jo ann with her young lover. like newly grown saplings on the forest floor they appear soft, tender and green.

still Jo ann and still with her lover, but this time they are young saplings no more, but full grown trees that are stiff, less pliant and now brittle with age. at this point i'm pretty sure all shadows of doubt have been erased from your mind and there's no point in disagreeing, right?

now back to the photo story:

 a stop for brunch...
...of hard-boiled eggs and chicken adobo
 the Moro Rock in the distance
 a closer shot
self-explanatory sign
 at the feet of the hulking giants
their bushy heads creating a canopy...
 ...over a gorgeous damsel
at the foot of the greatest and grandest redwood...
...and his lesser siblings
a fallen giant
 at the start of the trail to the top of Moro Rock
 "purple mountain majesty..."
...adorned my noah's wife
ngee... it's him again - her lover, at the peak.
she meets a handsome navyman and his mom...
 ...on the way down
another fallen giant across the road
her son does a pose before they retrace their path to Bakersfield
thank you Jesus for blessing Jo ann's family!

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