Saturday 21 June 2014

coming back for my heart

a long, long time ago, when the world was young and the hills and mountains where lush with thick green grass, "i left my heart in San Francisco."(
now the world is old and the hills and mountains are 
barren, and i'm back to get my heart.
(i can't stop laughing at these photos... i mean the metamorphosis of the balding guy. sorry for the interruption)

now back to the story in pictures :-)
in the tunnel on treasure island/yerba buena approaching San Francisco

  when we got there it was super cold (12-13 deg. cel.)

 vintage cars and park meters

 no cablecars on powell street. the employees were on strike and our plan to tour on board the iconic cable car had to be scrapped.

i'd love to fill-in for this guy.

 as expected the weather at the bay was overcast...

 ...but not so windy...

...and the clouds not too low so we could appreciate the golden gate bridge fully from different angles.

"i can see the alcatraz island!"

 if lombard street was a woman she could 
have been crowned miss universe

 can't get enough of it?


 boardwalk at pier 39

 noisy seals unmindful of the tourists

these guys really wanted to take the Alcatraz tour (island behind them) but we were short of time

 fisherman's wharf

 fishing boats for hire

clam chowder, fish n chips lunch outdoors

a typical san francisco street. the yellow toyota corolla
taxi reminded my of bangkok

beautiful wall painting beside the parking lot of our hotel

cupid's bow and arrow by the bay bridge as we
say goodbye and head for bakersfield...

...with jaypea at the wheel. 

goodbye san francisco - you still have my heart.

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