Wednesday 18 June 2014

The first wedding in the family

The generation of my children and their first degree cousins (my sister’s kids) recently had the first marriage – my sis’ eldest daughter, Aya. It was the event that brought my family across the Pacific Ocean and in effect reunited two families that have been separated for quite a while.

I was  not the official photographer for this occasion, neither was my son – JP from whose camera most of the photos here were taken, but since the official album is not yet out, I might as well publish some shots to remind us of the fun that this wedding turned out to be.

the venue was at Park Place Special Events, a beautiful spot nestled in the almond and pistachio fields at Shafter City north of Bakersfield.

a satellite shot shows the venue and the neat rows of
pistachio trees surrounding it

a garden of eden ambiance

the father of the bride. he seemed so relaxed and confident even if he was just at the threshold of giving away a precious daughter. honestly i would be the exact opposite if i were in his shoes.

the gorgeous representatives of Queen Sirikit

is this some kind of pre-nuptial ritual or are they 
setting up a scene?


i can't get over these beautiful ladies

the thailand delegation in full force

the bride's mom so composed and beautiful

her son in a display of elegance and machismo 

hahaha... that's the bride's uncle soaking in 
the sun like a withering solar panel

the groom nervously contemplating his situation. 
it's now or never! 

the supporting cast outfitted by the friar tux shop
at coffee road

yeah... that's her again - the bride's mom with a smile
that should be the groom's cue that all is well

grandpa's lil' tyke making sure the bride's path
is smelling and looking good with fresh petals

here comes the bride and her dad. a sight that
invoked nostalgia and endearment

"careful there pop, you might trip on your swollen bunions"

"we are here today to witness the union..." 

"this is it kuya benny, ate aya aint no bibay no more"

no one can get near the couple at this point. this
wall of well-scrubbed sunburned backs ensures that

"c'mon bryan, say it... say it!!"

the veil

the cord sponsors with the cut piece of cord that
was mended in the nick of time.

the minister giving his blessing

i loved this part. it was actually the first time
i witnessed this handsome guy sing his heart out.

yeah... it's finally us - mr and mrs macam

the principal suspects... er, i mean - sponsors.


...wacky, and...

most wacky!

guests from texas, oklahoma and thailand

"you're finally mine... all mine"

"Jesus... this is for you!"

let's celebrate!

the bride's mom about to do a vegetarian dance.

aunt celie and her elbow macaroni... i mean - macarena and 
ariel with his interpretation of the dance - pandanggo walang ilaw.

the last time i saw this mischievous smile was when
this guy was courting my sis

these ladies did what their bodies allowed them... a few 
steps and some swaying - no jumping.

the younger generation had it all... yeeaahh!

"oh no, i think i just tore my pants!"

siblings doing their thing

benny and jongbama really know their moves

with Aya's wedding done, who will be the next?

p.s. this is a photo of the official photographer. hey girl, what's taking your album so long?

someone should invent a camera that doesn't flatten the nose.

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