Tuesday 10 November 2015

"Lord, what will you have me to do?"

The welling up of anticipation and excitement in my recent life is noted every fourth quarter of the year. Expectation and eagerness for what God would have me to do for the present year in some remote, neglected and impoverished village… usually in a mountain range or some time-forgotten island it is.

This year’s stint was announced by my god-sent German friend – Ralf, when he said in a facebook message that the church in Kathmandu was preparing for a medical outreach in some remote region abutting the grand Annapurna mountain range and that I was invited to contribute my medical services toward this endeavor.

After some online research, I realized that this would be the farthest and most expensive volunteering job that I may undertake. It would also require a considerable amount of time out from work. In spite of these matters, I was pushed by an unseen force to give my immediate positive response and I was accepted into the team – “Nehemiah Nepal.”

I am blessed with a very supportive family, and when I announced my decision to go to Nepal, my wife and children immediately got into planning mode. This involved research on local weather conditions, which would dictate the type of clothing that I would need to bring, and putting this stuff together.

Another sign that bolstered my resolve to go on this trip was the kind approval by my boss - Villyn, and the generous consent of Jeremy and Anthony to take over my workload for 10 days. God was keeping his hand on this matter and it was nothing short of his perfect design.

God’s answer to the question for the year 2015, “what will you have me to do?” was loud and clear – “go to Jungu Dolakha, Nepal and I will be with you even to the uttermost ends of the earth!”

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