Saturday 14 November 2015

Nehemiah Nepal

The Old Testament prophet - Nehemiah, was tasked by God Jehovah to rebuild Jerusalem from ruins. A similar restoration job, Pastor Kaji and Rasmira Maharjan of Lalitpur, Kathmandu, Nepal, took upon themselves, howbeit with a different twist.

Pastor Kaji - now in his early sixties, started the gospel work in Kathmandu as a very young man. He figured out that sin ruined mankind and that it will take someone - a Nehemiah, to help rebuild sinful man - particularly in Nepal, back to God's design. At that early stage of the gospel work in Kathmandu, Pastor Kaji dubbed his mission - "Nehemiah Nepal." His strategy stuck and now there is also a "Nehemiah India" and a "Nehemiah Bhutan."

In the few days that I stayed in their home and had fellowship with them in church, I was inspired by this couple in many ways. Their simplicity, sincerity and burning love for their countrymen and for God was so evident and contaminating.

in the guestroom dining quarters

 The Ananta Shalom church in Lalitpur

 worship is on the second floor...

 and there are no pews... 

just beautiful rugs where the worshipers 
can make themselves comfortable

I wanted to join in the singing but I couldn't make
out the head and tail of their alphabet

It was the first Saturday of the month (the official 
weekly holiday in Nepal is Saturday - not Sunday) and 
it was my blessed opportunity to break bread with
them in the celebration of the holy Eucharist.

Pastor Kaji related to me how the gospel work is now seeing a bountiful harvest. The indigenous people of Nepal are basically animists and they have a lot of taboos and superstitions, which keep them in the bondage of fear of the unseen. 

Any illness is first taken to the village shaman and then to the medical doctor if the former fails. When the medical doctor fails the last resort is the church upon recommendation by the doctor. And like in the days of Paul and Silas miracles have been happening in Nepal. 

I wished that I didn't have to fly home so soon, but I realized that God needed me more with my family. 

A "Nehemiah Thailand?" Who knows!

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