Wednesday 18 November 2015

Time warp Nepal

The National Graphic Society magazine was my 'nanny' in my childhood days. We had stacks of the them at our home library courtesy of the American missionaries whose children were under the tutelage of my mom. I remember reading photo stories of Nepal, India and the Middle East and they always aroused in me the desire to travel... and that was half a century ago.

Fast forward to year 2015 and I am walking the dusty streets of Patan and Bhaktapur, thrilled at every alley and corner to see the photos in my childhood come to life. 

The Patan Durbar Square was constructed in the 1600's and
is lucky to have survived the April 2015 quake. The other
Durbar squares around Kathmandu were ruined beyond recognition. 
Take away the cars and mopeds in the photo and you will be
instantly taken back in time.

formidable statues guard the entrance of a courtyard. they
remind me of the medo-persian images in King Nebuchadnezzar's time

I don't know how many generations this water hole served

recently installed metal railings help the villagers climb out. 
work of this sort is mainly done by the women.

a nicely renovated building sandwiched by drab neighbors

The entrance to a prayer square that was partially
destroyed by the quake
clearing and restoration still ongoing

some obviously futile attempts to prop up buildings
that were leaning precariously after the quake.

simple clay jars to be used in the upcoming festival
which was just a few days away.

 colorful tikka powders used for religious rituals. I was imagining
that this kid's father and grandfather also sold the same items 
as a kid. 

It looks like baking methods haven't changed 
through the ages.

fresh bread ready for eating

fruits, nuts, dyes... anything and everything

this place is awash with nuts

some colorful footwear. I got a pair for my MIL

bronzeware... it's amazing that they didn't run out
of raw ore with all the stuff they've been making 
through the centuries.

bigger stuff for the kitchen and milk storage

copper items

beautiful rugs, blankets and dresses.

some primates that missed the evolutionary cycle
and failed to become like us.

I don't know what the future holds for the country of Nepal. Earthquake and bad neighbors couldn't stop it from receiving the gospel. This country is just beautiful!

Thank you Pastor Kaji for patiently taking me around.

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