Sunday 15 November 2015

Back-to-back disasters in the Himalayas

In April 2015 a devastating earthquake shatters the lives of the Nepalese people. Approximately 10,000 lost their lives when they were crushed by collapsing buildings. Most of the old buildings are made from brick, rock, clay and concrete with no supporting iron bars. The newer buildings were not affected.

a ruined prayer square for one of their deities
in Patan still in the process of clearing. My 
guide - Pastor Kaji(right).

a partially ruined building now unfit for living

the school building at Jungu. makeshift shelters
serve as temporary classrooms for the students.

a typical sight anywhere you go - a partially ruined
house and a makeshift GI sheet hut beside it.

this elegant residence and trading post still stands, 
but the occupants won't dare live in it. The GI-sheet 
huts beside now serves as their home. One room here was
the site for my other story - "trekking Nepal."

Another conspicuous effect of the earthquake is the scars on the mountain side caused by landslides. These resulted in blocked roads and buried homes.

As if this was not enough, another disaster… man-made this time, brings economic catastrophe when the tribe at the mountain highway from India closed the vital bridge link thus preventing the importation of petrol and essential commodities.

These motorcycles have been queuing for petrol
for several days now. 

Cars are queued in a different gas station 
and trucks and buses also in another one. The
queue goes as far as your eyes can see.

These disasters threatened to derail the plans of Nehemiah Nepal and the prospects for the medical camp looked bleak. We had about a month to gather the needed medical supplies and gasoline for the trip and it looked like we weren't going to make it.

But God was behind our plans and a week before the final date Pastor Kaji announced that the much needed gasoline was safe in a barrel and set for use. The medicines that the Dr. Iwamaru Memorial Hospital pledged were also packed and ready. 

Nehemiah Nepal was on the right track and the work of God marched on undeterred.

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