Saturday 24 December 2016

Two dudes and a bucket full of memories

No, this is not a bromance so please keep your judgement till the last phrase of this blog. LOL

The time: decades of 1960 & 1970. 
The place: a village high up on the mountains at the heart of the island of Mindanao. 

Imagine two hyperactive boys in a remote place about a day's drive through dirt roads to the nearest city. All they had at their disposal were some horses and cows at a nearby ranch, a dancing creek with small tasty fish and ferns on its banks, a forest behind the village, some empty milk cans and other odd objects to craft into toys and a very rich imagination.

In those ancient days boredom was a given fact and to combat it you had to create your own fun, and these blokes were very good at that. 

Another thing they had to cope up with was their seemingly bottomless stomachs, and again they managed to stay satiated with the vast array of wild and cultivated fruits around the neighborhood. 

This was a time when life was simple and slow-paced. Happiness and fun were not dependent on gadgets or mass media productions. Mischief was also abundant and always useful.

Half a century later these two blokes happen to cross paths in the sunshine state and a couple of hours together was packed with reminiscing and trying out the things they used to do back then.

a torn achiles tendon kept
this ADHD guy hobbled.

a perfect garage is one with
a pingpong table

instant replay

Thanks bro for all the memories - while we still have our minds. Another reunion in the age of dementia could be hilarious.

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