Friday 23 December 2016

Fambam - a potpourri of Spanish, American and Filipino genes

Make no mistake. This piece is not about Noah, rather it is about his dear wife's family and why they have the looks of the beautiful people of the western hemisphere, which Noah conspicuously lacks.


"In March 15, 1621 the Philippines was discovered by Magellan" and colonized for Spain. And then in 1898 the Americans wrested this archipelago from the Spaniards and claimed it as their own. This was actually a story of greed, power and dominance.

A similar story emerged in the early 1900s when a handsome, young and adventurous hombre left his homeland Spain and found himself walking the dusty paths of a beautiful southern Philippine island. What struck him most was the hospitality of the people and the gorgeousness of their daughters, and so he decided to get himself some land and seven or so brown-skinned ladies who would eventually give him dozens of children. 

Some decades later two American dudes set foot on the island and had the same realization as the Spaniard. This time the Americans found the daughters of the Spanish guy irresistible and decided to stay for good. Little did they realize that they had in fact followed the trend of the earlier Spanish and American colonizers, but this time it was a saga of infatuation, love and romance.

Fast forward by half a century and we now find Noah encaptivated and entranced by the Spanish guy's granddaughter and his heart is colonized forever. 

A vacation in the Sunshine state just recently gave Noah a chance to bond with the grandchildren of the Spanish dude in this story. Here are some photos to prove that his seed hasn't stopped multiplying.

Medel + Joyce = first degree cousins minus the kid.
Not in the pic are Jerry and Judy who missed
the potluck and Emmeline who recently left
for the Philippines.

Daphne - niece

Harold and Howard - nephews

Hardin - nephew

Tiffany, Meghan and Asset - nieces

Gizela - niece

Svetlana - niece

 nieces all

nephews some

nieces and nephews with about a handful more
 who couldn't make it for this event.

All the personalities in the photos were proudly made in the Philippines and just migrated to the USA in the last 2 decades or so.

The last, but not the least is this dude. However, his birth certificate is still missing hence their genetic lineage is yet to be confirmed.

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