Wednesday 7 December 2016


Smorgasbord was a term that Noah had to come to grips with while growing up. To him it was a table laden with all the stuff that he could not possibly consume, and being an eat-everything-in-sight kind of freak he just wished that the buffet table didn't have too much on it.

Fast forward by a little over half a century and he finds himself vacationing in the Central Valley of California - a breadbasket of sorts for the states on the west coast and possibly even for the entire nation, where food is grown by the tons, shipped off by the tons and sadly, wasted by the tons. While cycling through post-harvest fields, orchards and vineyards Noah sees acres upon acres of produce considered as "non-marketable" or "reject" rotting under the sun. 

With all the excesses Noah reckons that there is no excuse for hunger. Not a single soul in this vast valley should go to bed hungry and he had to find out if this was the case. True to his expectations Noah discovers that there are civic and religious centers around Bakersfield that give out free meals and food/groceries on a regular basis and if one has the knowledge of the schedules and venues and is able to queue on time, there would be free food for each day of the year.

To get a firsthand experience on this system Noah decides to have some free food for himself. The New Life Center - a Foursquare gospel church, hands out food/groceries twice a month for the entire year on a regular basis. To qualify for the free food one has simply to want it... not even need it, and should be able enough to stand in line to get the food 7:00 - 10:00 in the morning.

That's the warehouse of the NewLife center at White Lane

Noah got there and the parking lot was 60% full
with the owners of the cars already in a neat line

 The "suman cum laude" boys shivering in the
8 degrees Celsius morning.

 each "suman" boy was given a cart of grocery stuff,
which had apples, blue berries, grapes, cauliflower and other 
fresh veggies, canned tomatoes, fruit cocktail, frozen chicken, pasta, bread, peanut butter, etc.

with all this food there is no excuse to be hungry.

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