Friday 14 February 2014

class reunions can be challenging?

not if the reunion is done about 5 years from graduation or the participants remain within the same province or country and if they are still young and they are active netizens.

consider a class reunion 31 years from graduation. the participants are in their late fifties, most are not active netizens and some are suffering from some old-age illness.

you would expect that some would not be able to attend because their doctor wouldn't allow them, they are not strong enough to withstand intercontinental travel or they cannot be contacted because they refuse to blend into the world of Info Tech.

the greatest challenge, however, in the reunion of the demographic sample described above was... putting a name to this face:

there was nothing wrong with this guy's face and attitude. he was still the wacky and witty guy that I parted ways with some 30 years ago. the challenge was actually in the ability to remember his name, and more than half the attendees had to dig deep into their gray matter, but couldn't find anything there to help them remember him.

Nellie failed and in spite of our coaxing had to admit that the face of the guy had no resemblance to a classmate in medical school.

Hans too couldn't put a name to the handsome face.

Bing couldn't hide her shock and disbelief when finally she was told who the guy is.

Rey was cool and tried to appear brilliant, but obviously some portions of his memory had fallen asleep and needed rousing.

not even a hand in his hand and his arm on Evelyn's shoulder could bring back memories of yesterday.

Nellie in denial while pointing an accusing finger at the guy. C'mon Nel, you can't blame him for your failing memory.

to celebrate the awakening of our brain cells and the restoration of our memories we had to pose for this picture with Jun Salud. Next time we have a reunion I will stare at this photo every day for a month to make sure that when we meet I wouldn't be diagnosed with Alzhiemer's. 

Thanks Jerome for the photos!

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