Monday 18 September 2017

The body of Christ vs the Cult - 2

you will find this page's prequel in this link:

A day after the exchange in the discussion Shad posted this:

What does the declaration of Shad say about his organization:
1. That they are actively subjecting their members to scrutiny and each one is judged according to the manual.
2. That they cannot tolerate members who come to worship who are known to have committed sin and are not receptive to their advice and admonition.
3. That baptism for them is an act of accepting the 'believer' into the organization as opposed to the biblical purpose for baptism, which is a only a public declaration that the person has accepted Jesus.
4. That after baptism the member becomes a subject who is under the rules stated in the manual and any offense against these rules deserve punitive action as decided by the officers of the organization. In other words, baptism to them is a badge of authority to judge someone even if it is a direct defiance against the command of Jesus.
5. That the Bible is not the guiding standard for behavior. They would rather uphold a manual apparently authored by a prophetess. 
6. That they claim to have divine authority to exact discipline on the erring member.

Let me ask the question once more: Can this organization - the Seventh-day Adventist church be considered the Body of Christ or is it a cult?

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