Sunday 17 September 2017

The body of Christ vs the Cult - 1

Each new day brings inspiration and motivation for this blogger to activate the laptop. Today is no exemption although the inspiration surprisingly came through a discussion thread in Facebook. 

Here is a snapshot of the thread in FB:

For starters, the participants in this discussion were schoolmates during college days and were enrolled at a Seventh-day Adventist college in the island of Mindanao, Philippines.

Shad River Saint retired from this school as a professor and still lives in the vicinity, Macie presently resides in the state of Nevada USA, while Renato owns and manages a hospital in the southern Philippines. This blogger is the guy whom Shad alluded to when he said "Some are simply confused. Actuslly some of them have long been droppef from our church."

Forget the topic of that thread for now, while we try to compare Shad's comment with the facts as outlined in God's Word - the Bible.

What does Paul teach regarding the baptized believer? 
1 Corinthians 12:
The Bible says that the believer is baptized into the Body of Christ and that's what all true christians uphold and teach. You will never find instruction or example in the Bible that the believer was baptized into an organization.

On another aspect let's take a look at the passage in Shad's organization's manual.

Shad's organization's manual says that they have been "conferred the power to act in Christ's stead" and they have the power to judge. This means that they claim to be the vicar of Christ, and on them is given the power to determine who will be bound or loosed from heaven and their decision will be ratified by God. 

Contrary to this, what did Jesus say in Matthew 7:1? "Judge not that ye be not judged."

I will not discuss further this issue, but let me present this question to the reader: Comparing Shad's comments to Biblical fact regarding his admission that his church is an organization and that its leaders have authority regarding who will be kept or loosed from heaven's records (damned or saved), is Shad's church a part of the BODY of CHRIST or is it a CULT?

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