Monday 18 September 2017

Shadrach and the King

The King sat on his throne and faced the nations that were gathered at his feet. "Next, Shadrach Santosidad!" An angel hurriedly finds Shad and brings him to the judgment seat.

"Shadrach, do you love me?" asked the King.

"Yes I love you my king" was Shad's almost inaudible yet confident reply.

"Did you keep my commandments?" the King followed up.

"Yes my King, I kept the Sabbath holy, didn't worship idols, didn't kill... all 10 commandments I have kept to the letter."

"Not so fast," says the King. "I didn't mean the Law of Moses - the 10 Commandments, that I gave exclusively to the descendants of Joseph - the grandson of Abraham, as a covenant. What I mean now are commandments that came straight from my mouth like, 'love your enemies,' 'do not judge' and many more."

Shadrach looked down at his toes and tries to recall his past. He remembers hating the hordes of rats that came to eat his corn and he thought that maybe the King didn't mean that. But his mind brought him back to a church board meeting where they passed judgement on someone.

"That's what I mean Shad" the King apparently reading Shadrach's thoughts, interrupts his musings. "Did you judge Sunny?"

"Yes King, we judged him because he would not listen to our reasoning with him. His baptism into our organization gave us the authority to judge him."

"Who told you to defy my commandment, Shad?"

"The woman oh King, the prophetess to whom you gave dreams and visions about the evils of coffee, wigs, masturbation, meat and many more." Shadrach exclaimed while trying to steady himself.

"Never mind that woman, she'll have her time here and don't use that reasoning with me, because Adam already blamed a woman when he accused Eve in the garden."

The loud buzz of the alarm clock jolted Shadrach from his sleep. "That dream was bizarre," he mused.

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