Monday 14 November 2016

Iya Chronicles - My Little Elephumpkin

Halloween is for kids, and for this big-eyed, lovely darling her first halloween came in a time when she could smugly fit inside a jack-o-lantern.

Getting her a nice costume was a bit difficult considering that we went shopping a bit earlier to avoid the rush and possibly run out of sizes. With a month or so to go her mom decided to gamble on a bigger size calculating that when Halloween comes she should have grown enough to fit. 

True to mommy Aya's calculations this little baby grew plump enough and her arms and legs long enough to make the costume look like it was tailored for her. Lola Jo Ann was struck by such a lovely pose with the costume and some pumpkins and she came up with the best description ever = ELEPHUMPKIN.

Halloween night came and she was the scariest and loveliest kid on the street for treat or trick. check out her loot.

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