Monday 28 November 2016

Suman cum laude

What do you do with the excess material from the thanksgiving feast preparations? One option for the unused banana leaves, which was intended for the boodle fight 2 days ago is to heave them onto the dumpster. The second and better option is to use them to create another feast - of which there shouldn't be anymore leftovers.

Yeah, SUMAN! A Filipino recipe using sticky rice, coconut milk, salt and sugar mixed together and wrapped up in banana leaves.

Another indispensable component of this recipe is a couple of doctors on vacation who want to get their hands messy. The photos will tell the rest of the story.

 The radiologist found it awkward at the start,
but soon got into the rhythm

 the first fifteen pieces were uniformly small
and slender at the onset, but they started to
get bigger at the homestretch. Apparently the fingers
were tiring and the only way to get it done faster
was to make bigger suman.

 WIP - taking a break to stretch those arthritic fingers

 all that's left to do at this point
is to add water and let boil for
over an hour.

...and after all is said and done this
is what you get. Noah just wished there
was some ripe juicy mango somewhere
around the block.

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