Monday 20 June 2016

A graduation story

Let's call the graduate in this story - Maria, to hide her true identity. We shall also consider this story as fiction so as not to get too carried away by what transpires.

Maria as she prepares to march to her seat in front.

The consul general of the United States Embassy in Manila places on Maria the  Summa Cum Laude medal. Note the smiles on the faces of those caught in the pic... the consul though doesn't display that smile. He is too focused on the gorgeous face in front of him.

What's in the mind of the guy? It seems that Maria's mom 
knows what he wants.

Maria's mom closes her eyes knowing that the inevitable will soon take place. In the meantime Maria keeps her face turned up at the right angle. Noah deliberately focuses on something distant. He doesn't want to be a living witness to this moment, while Dr. Webb seems to be setting up the right momentum. The distinguished consul by this time has butterflies in his stomach by the stoned appearance in his eyes. for him it is now or never.

"OMG...he did it!" Maria's mother-in-law blurts out. The muscles on Maria's face go taut for a few seconds as she savors the imperialist's kiss. Everything that transpires is seen through the corner of noah's left eye (upper left).

that 20-second affair seemed like eternity, but when it ended they all had a good laugh. At that moment no one ever thought that 20 years later the photos taken of that ceremony would be twisted to come up with this story.

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