Saturday 23 April 2016

How to take a break from the work-eat-sleep cycle

work-eat-sleep... work-eat-sleep... if you don't break this vicious cycle soon, you'll end up a stinking zombie in dire need of a psycho-medical rehab.

Anyway, here's how this cycle can be broken:

1. Go online and look for great promos in exotic places that suit your fancy.
2. Book 2 - 3 months in advance so that when the date to leave comes you have already paid the resort and you have less money matters to bother you.
3. Get in a good-sized van for the 4 hour trip to Laem Ngop pier in Trat province.

4. Get on board a super fast speed boat for a 40-minute ride to Koh Mak.

5. Check in at this villa - Koh Mak Resort

6. Feast your eyes on scenes you don't often see

7. take as many photos as you want

8. Go scuba diving

9. Kayaking

10. Swim

11. Eat, eat and eat

 12. Don't ever forget "happy hour," because cocktails are B1T1 and beer is B2T1.

13. Celebrate your daughter's birthday

14. don't forget the mandatory wacky pose...
... and the 360 degrees shoot

While on the island the trend is sleep-swim-eat... sleep-swim-eat. If you want to break that cycle all you have to do is hop on a boat and head for home.

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