Monday 14 March 2016

A saga of love and endurance

The heart-wrenching photo above was trending for some time in Facebook and is actually the inspiration for the writing of this blog piece. The photo captures an entire family (dad-mom-son) in a tight embrace moments before dad is swallowed up by the pre-departure activities at Suvarnabhumi airport as he sets out to try his luck at employment in New Zealand. 

At this point the employment is still uncertain, considering that dad still has some schooling to do before he can take the test, pass it and become eligible to apply for a job. The job vacancy too is another unknown element. From all angles this venture can be seen as a gamble with stakes so high that guts, faith and sheer determination should be on hand to keep him fit and sane. Certainly not for the faint of heart.

At the other end of the spectrum is mom with a less than a year old son. She has to keep at her hospital job as a nurse while raising the kid on her own. Luckily there is a day-care center that keeps watch over Zach while she is on duty. At home she has to fend for herself and the kid, which everyone knows is made more difficult without dad or a help-maid present. 

One has to be a superwoman to be able to survive this setup. Monthly bills for both dad and mom is yet another aspect that could make one shirk from undertaking such a bold venture. 

Here are some Facebook screen shots to memorialize the week that Omar left.


Darlyn Ann's:

Darlyn Ann's discovery as soon as she got home from the airport - Omar's last message:

Darlyn Ann's message with instructions to open as soon as Omar arrives in New Zealand:

to be continued as the saga unfolds. Let's all pray for the soon reunion of this family.

March 17 updates: Dad's FB post - 

March 29... yeah, like the title says it's "a saga of love and endurance." (if endurance = aguanta)

March 30 update: There goes "superwoman." a regular sight in the morning before 8:00 as she heads to the day center to deposit Zach and then back to her work station for another 8-hour shift. Note the bags + the weight of the kid on those frail shoulders. images like these tug at my heart.

April 16 update: "happy 11th" but the emoticon is :-( (sad)

April 26 update: loneliness bordering on insanity

May 1 update: mom's eloquence and dad's jealousy. LOL

May 9 update: the invitation to Zach's first birthday minus dad 

May 15 update: Zach's birthday pose could have been better with the physical presence of dad. They had to make do with a cut-out photo.

May 20 update: The happiest twist in this saga so far!

May 23 update: All the hard work and the battle against loneliness is paying off one step at a time. Now to find the job and bring the family over.

July 1, 2016 update: This bit of news really made my day. God is awesome and this family will soon be reunited. Hallelujah!

July 7, 2016. This photo is proof and evidence of hard work, perseverance and trust in God. It also is the fruit of sacrifice, support and love exhibited by a wife who stands by her husband even when they are oceans apart. (photo taken on the 3rd day of duty in his brand new job)

11.29.16 This is the same
kid in the first photo above
who was sandwiched by his parents
in a farewell hug. Now he's at the
same airport ready to board the plane
to be reunited with his dad.

I don't know what is in mom's
mind at this moment, but i'm sure 
that she's just glad that she can now put 
all the months of loneliness behind.

Finally, this story can be finished and published. December 1, 2016... 9 months after the dad in this story left for New Zealand to stake out a home for the family, they are back in each others arms. Hard work, perseverance, endurance and unfathomable love carried these guys through loneliness and hardships. The rewards of this sacrifice will come as each day unfolds. God is good.

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