Monday 7 March 2016

What's in a boy's mind?

A little over half a century ago a hyperactive 8-year old lad sat in Mrs. Corpus’ grade 1 class with an eye inconspicuously scanning the row of desks across the narrow aisle that separated the boys from the girls. The pupils at that side of the classroom were the usual bunch whose mothers hurriedly dressed up for school in an assortment of headbands, hair pins and over-powdered cheeks and crinkled shirts. One lass however, stood apart from the rest and this boy had to figure out why she was so attractive.

Was it her angelic face or the way she talked or walked? Was it her pleasant smell or was it the eyes that held him spellbound for most of the day?

Infatuation at this age easily translates to love, and for this love-dazed kid there was no doubt that his heart crazily throbbed for Anita. School work and play during recess breaks still had the bulk of his attention, but at the end of the day what really mattered was a smile or a word from her direction.

One day teacher Corpus had the kids draw a man for the lesson in art and this boy made a crayon drawing of an Aeta hunter in a G-string with a bow and arrow. The following day his work was posted on the art wall beside Anita’s with the arrow pointing at the butt of her drawing. Cupid? He silently wished it was.

Due to changes in his parents' job assignments, this boy had to move to a southern island for the succeeding school years. Seven summers later he comes back to the place where this story started and finds himself in a party with Anita. Everything that he felt in teacher Corpus' class comes rushing back like a tsunami and he tries desperately to keep his heart from beating out loud. The party ended and Anita exited forever from the boy's sight without an inkling of the madness that she had inadvertently started in his heart.

You can't hold the feelings of love in a prison forever... this one has just been released in this blog for the record. Anita Arevalo, where in the world are you?

postscript: I had to write this poem 2 days after the above story was posted on Facebook.

Whew! What a day!
A message pops up
Lady’s got something to say.
Philip was the name
She knew me back then,
Surprisingly vivid of what
Happened and when.

Yes, she was the girl
I mentioned in my story.
50 years ago
you can call it faded glory.
More details of the past
She added up to mine,
Speechless I sat
My glee not to confine.

Matters of the heart
May come by age.
You loved someone then
But you kept it in a cage.
Give your feelings wings
Let it soar to the sky.
Who knows to her heart
Someday it will fly.

Four months after the story was published - November 2, 2016, and the boy in this story is now a grizzly 60-year old doggie. He happens to be cycling through some of the parts of the US of A and Anita gets wind of his activity. When he comes cycling into her city she promptly calls his attention and he decides that this was the best opportunity to meet. Meet? Oh no... oh yes!

He didn't have any phone to assist in this rendezvous, but the wifi at starbucks got him online and facebook messenger patched him through. Anita unhesitatingly sent a message that she would locate him at the busy Union Station in Los Angeles for the half-a-century meeting of long lost friends. The boy held his breath as he watched the clock tick towards the departure time of his bus to Bakersfield. Would she come? Would the spell be broken and friends reconnected?

From nowhere this petite lady in black materializes, flashes a smile at his direction and the boy realized that the moment he dreaded most had come. Just like in his boyhood years making an opening statement was quite a task, but he finally managed to blurt out, "have we met before?" "do I know you?"

In his mind this boy thought they would talk over a cup of coffee. What actually happened was this:

The conversation went from the early childhood years to school years and livelihood years. Catching up for the 52 years of separation was crammed into about 2 hours and the two realized that they shared a lot of likes and dislikes and experiences in life. The best of those realizations was the fact the both had migrated out of their church of birth to be reborn in the Holy Spirit. No doubt they felt at ease with each other, because of the absence of hypocrisy and pretension, which are noted to be the main problems in their former congregation.

Before they knew it the time to part arrived and this boy had to board his bus for the two and a half hours trip to the San Joaquin Valley. 

God bless you Anita. You have proven to be a true friend and this boy is blessed beyond measure.

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