Friday 12 December 2014

salvation and baptism: SDA church vs God's Holy Word - part 2

Salvation and baptism are two intertwined doctrines - at least in the Seventh-day Adventist church. However, there is no such thing as a definitely "saved" Adventist, because of their unique doctrine on the Investigative Judgment, which they say is ongoing in a sanctuary in heaven and therefore there is no assurance that one is saved at the moment.

Hence baptism could only means to them as an acceptance into what they claim is the "true remnant church." They couple this with their assertion that their leaders have the authority to "bind or loose" their members to list of the saved in heaven (SDA Church Manual pp 57 - 58).

If you have read through the first part of this topic you will note that there are certain conditions that are heaped on the candidate before he is baptized. Baptism is only performed after the "vow" to believe on the 13 conditions is expressly sworn before the assembled church.

Here are the conditions in the vow that are not in harmony with the New Covenant church that the disciples established for the non-Israelite (Gentile) believers.

One will note that 7 out of the 13 conditions are not part of the gospel, but rather the doctrines that the SDA prophetess - Ellen G. White concocted.

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