Thursday 18 December 2014

From Sabbath to Sunday

The heading of this piece was borrowed from Dr. Sam Bacchiocchi's book with the same title. I had the privileged of communicating directly with the guy, who is one of the leading theologians of the SDA church. He earned a doctorate degree from a Vatican university, making him a very credible writer on the topic (at least in the eyes of the theologians of this church).

here are the facts about this subject matter according to E.G. White.

...and according to the Catholic Church:

If you will go back to the previous blog entry:, it was explained there that the Sabbath law was solely given to the Israelites at Mt. Sinai as a covenant a.k.a "The Old Covenant." Excluded from this covenant law where the Gentiles (non-Israelites).

Furthermore, in the establishment of another Covenant Jesus became the end of the Old Covenant, which was rendered "obsolete" by the creation of the New Covenant.

Ellen G. White - SDA prophetess, and the popes of the Catholic Church are not Israelites. This verse describes who they are:

Yes, that's it. Both White and the Pope are "aliens and strangers" to the Sabbath Covenant that was given only to the Israelites. This simply means that they have no business talking about a covenant that they are not a part of.

The finger-pointing and admission in this scenario only shows the partnership of these two churches in the distortion of the gospel.

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