Monday 24 November 2014

The hour of His Judgment

Does the thought of the earth’s final judgment bring fear to you? For the average SDA, it does. Why? Because no one in this church believes that they already have final salvation. They have been taught that since 1944 a judgment scene is taking place in heaven and this will continue until a time they call “the close of probation.”

This is what the SDA prophetess - Ellen G. White, saw in her vision: 

Here are the elements of the SDA church's unique and unbiblical doctrine – “The Investigative Judgment.”

1. Time - 1844 up to the "close of probation"
2. Venue - a "sanctuary" in heaven.
3. Judge - God the Father.
4. Accused - all professed children of God from Adam to the present.
5. Accuser/prosecutor - Satan.
6. Intercessor/defense lawyer - Jesus.
7. Who is found sentenced to carry all the sin of God's people - Satan (scapegoat)

Bible facts about a judgment:
1. Time - When Jesus comes for the second time.
2. Venue - definitely not in a sanctuary in heaven. (Matthew 25)

3. Judge - not God the Father as EG White saw in her vision.

4. There is no biblical statement about an accuser or intercessor in this judgment.
5. God's children will not come under judgement contrary to the claims of the SDA prophetess. John 5:

6. Who is sentenced and made to serve the penalty for the sins of the world? Do the verses below allude to Satan as claimed by EG White?
Isaiah 53:

One noteworthy aspect of the SDA church's doctrine about the Investigative Judgment is the claim that Satan is presently in heaven, since 1844, participating in a judgment of sorts.

This doctrine makes the sacrifice at the cross needless and worthless... if only the SDA can realize this fact.

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