Thursday 20 November 2014

covenant confusion - conclusion

By re-writing and twisting the facts of God's covenants in the bible, Ellen G. White - SDA prophetess, unwittingly spawned confusion among her followers (the members of the SDA church). These are the results:

1. The SDAs believe that they are duty-bound by the Old Covenant and to prove that, they have taken on themselves the title "modern-day Israelites." Again they are without biblical support on this one.

2. They also proclaim that they are under the blood of Jesus - the New Covenant.

3. The bible is clear that you cannot be under two masters. 

4. There is practically no point in  holding on to a covenant that was not made for you in the first place and that was rendered obsolete by the creation of another covenant.

5. It is actually useless to the point of damning, to hold on to a covenant that is not of faith, is a curse, is considered by Paul to be the ministry of death and the law of sin and death, when God has provided a new covenant of grace for everyone by the simple act of faith... if the SDA only knew.

here are some examples showing the differences between the two covenants:

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