Sunday 3 February 2013

North Face 100 year 2013

This is the second year that the North Face staged the Ultra Marathon in Thailand and it was done in the hills of Pak Chong, Nakhon Ratchasima, Northeastern Thailand.

At my age and physical condition I made the most of this event by running the 10K fun race with Kukie – my daughter. We did the North Face 100 also together last year in Amphawa:

Compared to all the marathons I’ve done this one is the most enjoyable. No concrete streets, no vehicles, a cloudy day, fresh unpolluted air, rolling hills, through plowed fields, rocky cow paths, sandy dried up creekbed and thorny thickets. Exactly just like the hills where I grew up as a hyperactive kid.

God’s hand was evident in the surroundings, which was the opposite of the usual marathons in downtown Bangkok were man-made structures dominate.

You may click on the photos to enlarge them.

This is what greeted us when we got to the venue

My running team: JJ and Kai - certified registered

next thing: mount bib on jersey and running chip on shoe

 Grace Izdepski

Kailee seeing us off

 Jag ready to run the 100K

 Jag, Kathy and John

 the only Filipino entry to the 100K

a monk blessing the runners

 Justine, Noods, Gray and Che

best dressed guy for the run

 100 and 50K runners

there they go

 10K runners waiting for the starting horn

 uphill through a plowed corn field

 down a rocky path

 down a hill

 by a pond

 over some bull shit

through a thorny thicket

 ahh... the finish line. I clocked 01:15:01 for the 10K trail and hill run. 

 I could keep on running

 Kai coming in

 that's my girl!

tired and elated

Grace and Jesse 

 a soothing rubdown


 stretch it girl

I ranked 9 among the 22 men in my age bracket for the 10K run... not bad for a 57-year old doggie running with a cam in hand and snapping some photos. there were 1,400 runners all in all. Thank God for the opportunity to enjoy running!

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