Monday 4 February 2013

The North Face Run side trips and activities

The venue for the North Face marathon was on the mountains northeast of Bangkok smack in the midst of vegetable, flower and livestock farms. This place is also known as vacation-land because of the cool weather and the attractions that abound.

We took this opportunity to tour the three most popular places: Thong Somboon Club, Palio and Chok Chai Farm.

we had the pool for ourselves... the other runners just wanted to sleep.
aboard the water horse
"oh no... i can't do this."
Jj thinks it no big deal
she loves ponies and she has a lot of pony toys and she watches pony cartoons for hours. now it's her big chance to play with real ponies and she thinks it's not as easy as when she plays with the plastic ones.
learning the basics of horse riding
"this could be better if it were done in the mud"
shuttle bus
ready for lunch
lala just trying to get the hang of it.
both these guys are in the prime of their lives.
Chok Chai farm models
these calves were separated from their lactating mothers... they were robbed of their milk so the homo sapiens could make some money.
"hi there stinking pony!"
"the biggest bull in the world!"
nice skinny cow
these sheep are really hungry
burger with bacon... i could feel my arteries clogging up.
Palio model
 some birds on a limb
 the cursed kiss... they turned into rock.
 this place is soo cool you can't stop taking photos
 the three ladies in my life
i'll come back here some day.

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