Tuesday 22 May 2012

Poem Triad

Woman Scorned

Sleep comes so naturally you know he is there.
The arms around you tell of his endearing care
Betrayal and treachery have not entered your mind
To deceit and disloyalty you are considered blind.

The river was witness when you first swore your vow
"In health, sickness and death" rang true until now
Like the rushing water you stayed true to your course
While he paddled on a stream from a different source.

Enshrouded in blue smoke a kiss may seem so sweet.
Notwithstanding the heat coming up from the street.
Peering eyes, muffled voices unmindful of all that
The passions stirred up and climaxed at her flat.

Let her love flow like cool waters from Ruthenia
Blue emerald eyes show her granny was Anastasia
The looks may deceive she may seem free and wild
But in terms that make sense she’s just like a child.

You’d wonder that with kisses you’re lately adorned
You never could realize that you are woman scorned
A grand conspiracy to keep you happy in the dark
You can't see the light of truth not even a spark.

My heart aches for you wide-eyed fair-skinned lass
The evil in this world will all soon come to pass
With God in the heart you will ride out the storm
Just keep honesty, love and fidelity as your norm.

Woman Disgraced

I loved him; he was the only thing that mattered.
Thought of him day and night nothing else bothered.
Never knew love like this before almost like heaven
Constant feeling of ecstasy going twenty-four/seven.

One thing led to another, a puff of smoke then a kiss
Thought of it so much that my meals I would miss
Shed off some weight but that was just alright
I felt so much lighter when he carried me at night.

It didn’t matter much that this affair was taboo
He was all I longed for and he knew that too
The consort all the while was naïve to our affair
Never imagined that we were a romantic pair.

What happened next was not premeditated
We carelessly banged and he let go unguarded
I realized the shocking truth one month later
The feeling is I’m stuck in this stinking gutter.

Where now is the guy who squeezed me tight?
How could he say he loved me then take flight?
I feel like I’m incognito and a person misplaced
The truth is that I’m no less a woman disgraced.

Man in the middle

Haha this is amazingly comical and ridiculous
Two poems written for ladies I didn’t choose
Came into my life in a testosterone moment
Both are subjects of an ongoing experiment.

Got the fastest gun anywhere in the west
Although the size I know may be the smallest.
At any given opportunity I’m sure it will pop
Even the king’s horsemen can’t tell it to stop.

Whatever happens is not my prime concern
Got a team who knows how to crash and burn
They’ll cover up my tracks, clear up the mess
I’m still considered the good boy nonetheless.

How long this will last I don’t know really
Just keep fingers crossed and my gun a ready
Clean up crew are still able and committed
What I life! I guess I am simply gifted.

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