Saturday 26 May 2012

EG White followers - wake up!

I was a fan of EG White ever since I became aware of her in my childhood. Considering that I was steeped and marinated in her teachings from the primary grades through college, one could understand that I had no other option but to be a willing fan.

The coming of the internet age opened a new world to me and helped me see how flawed and contradicting this lady is when compared to God’s holy word – the Bible.

One thing that she constantly portrayed in her prophetic writings was the dominance of the Catholic Church in the final century of earth’s history. Islam and Communism were not part of her prophetic scenarios.

To the observant eschatologist there is a clear present trend with regards to who the end-time game major players are – Islam, Communism and Christianity. Contrary to this reality EGWhite taught that a Christian church – the Roman Catholic Church, will lord it over the rest of Christianity and persecute the Sabbath-keeping Christians.

One look at the Roman Catholic Church as of the present will tell anyone that this church is not in the position to dominate and dictate. The reason is that it is busy investigating and trying the hundreds of cases that have been filed against its marching lieutenants – the clergy, for child molestation, homosexuality, corruption to name a few. The most recent scandal involving the Pope and corruption in the banks of the Vatican is more than enough to keep the Catholic hierarchy in a defensive mode – not offensive.

With the way Islam and Communism are now dominating the eschatological playing field there is no way that Catholicism can make a comeback and dominate, much less dictate. Biblically the ascendancy of these two anti-Christian and anti-Semitic powers is well explained by the cast of characters depicted in the book of Revelations. You don’t have to be a theologian to understand Revelation when you have these two anti-Christian powers in mind.
Fanatics of EG White… wake up!!


  1. Migo, you're talking about the present time " With the way Islam and Communism are NOW ...." wait till the right time come will come... the RC will fulfill the prophecy!

  2. thanks migooo... if the prophecy came from a confirmed prophet of God i would gladly believe it, but it was pronounced by a confirmed plagiarizer and contradictor of the Bible. What is funny about us sometimes is that we tend to believe everything the church of our birth says without comparing it to the Bible. I'm taking my future seriously and i have to know first hand what i believe in, not just swallow what people say. hina-ut unta nga imo pud testingan ang 'truth' nga imong gina uphold.

  3. Sunn, sturya unta ta personal related (above), but impossible man as of now. Please give me more inputs....I am very open minded. My hubby and I had been discussing about the Bible as he thinks its basically a historical book more than anything else and also ascendancy of Anti-C and Anti-S... I know EGW had some profound practical ideas but hmmm ?????...

  4. just give me your email address and i'll send you some of my compilations. you can trust yourself, you're already grownup. hahaha


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