Monday 28 May 2012

EG White's declaration

Here is one very disturbing EG White pronouncement (taken from the second bible of the Adventists – The SDA Church Manual).

“Verily I say unto you,” Christ continued, “whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” Verse 18{CCh 258.1}
This statement holds its force in all ages. On the church has been conferred the power to act in Christ’s stead. It is God’s instrumentality for the preservation of order and discipline among His people. To it the Lord has delegated the power to settle all questions respecting its prosperity, purity, and order. Upon it rests the responsibility ofexcluding from its fellowship those who are unworthy, who by their un-Christlike conduct would bring dishonor on the truth. Whatever the church does that is in accordance with the directions given in God’s word will be ratified in heaven.” {CCh 258.2}

How I understand it:
1.      The SDA church leaders/pastors are authorized and empowered by God to act in Christ’s stead. This sound similar to the Roman Catholic Church’s claim that the Pope is the Vicar of Christ. Vicar means deputy or anyone acting “in the person of.”
2.      Anyone who is dis-fellowshipped or excommunicated by the SDA church is also released from the records in heaven.

In October 14, 2006 the MVC SDA church board voted to kick me out from church membership. According to their second bible I was also kicked out of the records in heaven.

Actually their action was the second best thing that ever happened in my life. The best thing was being possessed by the Holy Spirit.

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