Monday 28 May 2012

EG White's declaration

Here is one very disturbing EG White pronouncement (taken from the second bible of the Adventists – The SDA Church Manual).

“Verily I say unto you,” Christ continued, “whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” Verse 18{CCh 258.1}
This statement holds its force in all ages. On the church has been conferred the power to act in Christ’s stead. It is God’s instrumentality for the preservation of order and discipline among His people. To it the Lord has delegated the power to settle all questions respecting its prosperity, purity, and order. Upon it rests the responsibility ofexcluding from its fellowship those who are unworthy, who by their un-Christlike conduct would bring dishonor on the truth. Whatever the church does that is in accordance with the directions given in God’s word will be ratified in heaven.” {CCh 258.2}

How I understand it:
1.      The SDA church leaders/pastors are authorized and empowered by God to act in Christ’s stead. This sound similar to the Roman Catholic Church’s claim that the Pope is the Vicar of Christ. Vicar means deputy or anyone acting “in the person of.”
2.      Anyone who is dis-fellowshipped or excommunicated by the SDA church is also released from the records in heaven.

In October 14, 2006 the MVC SDA church board voted to kick me out from church membership. According to their second bible I was also kicked out of the records in heaven.

Actually their action was the second best thing that ever happened in my life. The best thing was being possessed by the Holy Spirit.

Saturday 26 May 2012

EG White followers - wake up!

I was a fan of EG White ever since I became aware of her in my childhood. Considering that I was steeped and marinated in her teachings from the primary grades through college, one could understand that I had no other option but to be a willing fan.

The coming of the internet age opened a new world to me and helped me see how flawed and contradicting this lady is when compared to God’s holy word – the Bible.

One thing that she constantly portrayed in her prophetic writings was the dominance of the Catholic Church in the final century of earth’s history. Islam and Communism were not part of her prophetic scenarios.

To the observant eschatologist there is a clear present trend with regards to who the end-time game major players are – Islam, Communism and Christianity. Contrary to this reality EGWhite taught that a Christian church – the Roman Catholic Church, will lord it over the rest of Christianity and persecute the Sabbath-keeping Christians.

One look at the Roman Catholic Church as of the present will tell anyone that this church is not in the position to dominate and dictate. The reason is that it is busy investigating and trying the hundreds of cases that have been filed against its marching lieutenants – the clergy, for child molestation, homosexuality, corruption to name a few. The most recent scandal involving the Pope and corruption in the banks of the Vatican is more than enough to keep the Catholic hierarchy in a defensive mode – not offensive.

With the way Islam and Communism are now dominating the eschatological playing field there is no way that Catholicism can make a comeback and dominate, much less dictate. Biblically the ascendancy of these two anti-Christian and anti-Semitic powers is well explained by the cast of characters depicted in the book of Revelations. You don’t have to be a theologian to understand Revelation when you have these two anti-Christian powers in mind.
Fanatics of EG White… wake up!!

Wednesday 23 May 2012

You can’t handle the truth?

There are two sides of this worldly realm – not three or four. One side is the truth and the other side is falsehood or more bluntly stated – the lie. You either bask in the truth or you are mired in the lie.

Truth is constant, solid, immovable, unchangeable, incorruptible and uncompromising. It is inclusive of everything that is true and exclusive of everything that is false, half false or almost true.

Truth is not relative. When you are wrong, you are not right. There is no such thing as moderately true, no such thing as neutral and there is no gray area between the truth and falsehood. It is pitch black in one side and spotless immaculate white in the other.

Truth has to be portrayed, handled and taught as it is – naked. No one can dress it up, change it, twist it or declare that it is a relative thing and still stay true. When you are right – you are right. When you are wrong you are not right. When it is true, it is true. When it is false, it is not true.

The truth is a two-edged sword. God is the author of truth. “His Word is Truth.”

Impunity and Trust

I hail from a country known for its corrupt and insensitive officials. Well, who doesn’t? It seems that this world is rife with bad governance from well developed nations to the smallest corporate entity. Anyway, back to my country, there is this air of impunity among persons in position.

The basic building block for this phenomenon, as I have observed, is the acquisition of power. Give someone a little of it, maybe as village counselor or a simple supervisorial or managerial position, and you will soon learn that he can flout rules with little thought that he is displaying a bad example to his family. Sooner or later you’ll see his son or niece defy the same rules which may contaminate even the in-laws and close friends. The results – a whole clan existing above the law while the rest suffer insult and inadequacy in silence.

Bring up children in this atmosphere and in no time a whole generation is bred in twisted values and unhindered lies, and a vicious cycle of impunity has just been spawned.

On the flip-side of the picture are those who are trying to keep clear of the brewing scandal. The few who can see right from wrong in this disgraceful situation have this feeling of insult and deprivation brought about by the inability to right what is wrong - being the underlings in the set-up.

How does one survive this world of impunity and callousness? Solutions are easier said than done, but trusting in God is one indisputable answer in getting over the feeling of helplessness and vulnerability.

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Poem Triad

Woman Scorned

Sleep comes so naturally you know he is there.
The arms around you tell of his endearing care
Betrayal and treachery have not entered your mind
To deceit and disloyalty you are considered blind.

The river was witness when you first swore your vow
"In health, sickness and death" rang true until now
Like the rushing water you stayed true to your course
While he paddled on a stream from a different source.

Enshrouded in blue smoke a kiss may seem so sweet.
Notwithstanding the heat coming up from the street.
Peering eyes, muffled voices unmindful of all that
The passions stirred up and climaxed at her flat.

Let her love flow like cool waters from Ruthenia
Blue emerald eyes show her granny was Anastasia
The looks may deceive she may seem free and wild
But in terms that make sense she’s just like a child.

You’d wonder that with kisses you’re lately adorned
You never could realize that you are woman scorned
A grand conspiracy to keep you happy in the dark
You can't see the light of truth not even a spark.

My heart aches for you wide-eyed fair-skinned lass
The evil in this world will all soon come to pass
With God in the heart you will ride out the storm
Just keep honesty, love and fidelity as your norm.

Woman Disgraced

I loved him; he was the only thing that mattered.
Thought of him day and night nothing else bothered.
Never knew love like this before almost like heaven
Constant feeling of ecstasy going twenty-four/seven.

One thing led to another, a puff of smoke then a kiss
Thought of it so much that my meals I would miss
Shed off some weight but that was just alright
I felt so much lighter when he carried me at night.

It didn’t matter much that this affair was taboo
He was all I longed for and he knew that too
The consort all the while was naïve to our affair
Never imagined that we were a romantic pair.

What happened next was not premeditated
We carelessly banged and he let go unguarded
I realized the shocking truth one month later
The feeling is I’m stuck in this stinking gutter.

Where now is the guy who squeezed me tight?
How could he say he loved me then take flight?
I feel like I’m incognito and a person misplaced
The truth is that I’m no less a woman disgraced.

Man in the middle

Haha this is amazingly comical and ridiculous
Two poems written for ladies I didn’t choose
Came into my life in a testosterone moment
Both are subjects of an ongoing experiment.

Got the fastest gun anywhere in the west
Although the size I know may be the smallest.
At any given opportunity I’m sure it will pop
Even the king’s horsemen can’t tell it to stop.

Whatever happens is not my prime concern
Got a team who knows how to crash and burn
They’ll cover up my tracks, clear up the mess
I’m still considered the good boy nonetheless.

How long this will last I don’t know really
Just keep fingers crossed and my gun a ready
Clean up crew are still able and committed
What I life! I guess I am simply gifted.

Monday 14 May 2012


 In 1956 a baby boy was born in Cebu city Philippines. 56 years later the baby turned 56 – of course, but he is now a granddaddy! A Google search didn’t reveal any importance or significance of the number 56 although an audit of the blessings received corresponded to the number in focus... even surpassing it.

All these events of the year came by the grace of my Lord and Savior Jesus to whom i have given my life. Here are a few photos to document the year that led up to the 56th year. 

Tuesday 8 May 2012


The house is quite rather gloomy today.
A bag, a coat lying in the empty doorway.
Unfinished  breakfast on a cluttered table
Unusual silence by the usual noisy people.

Red and swollen eyes are in vogue I see
Hugging and kissing are gaining popularity
Last minute instructions and assurances
Like a broken record replaying old stanzas.

Off to boot camp the home-kid is marching
The heart torn between staying and leaving.
Off the nest for the long and lonely flight
Keeping strong with goal focused in sight.

Sturdy steps towards the call of duty
The rigors of training beckon tauntingly
Determination, grit and fortitude
There’s no doubt about his attitude.

The navy has got a brand new soldier
Lean and strong no one more merrier
 God and love-ones always in the heart
Jong, always stay safe, happy and smart.

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