Wednesday 16 November 2011

Noah's photos of the flood

“Global warming is melting the ice cap and the rising sea level will soon sink Bangkok,” “excessive pumping out of ground water predisposes Bangkok to sinking” and this year’s monsoon rains has caused epic flooding in Bangkok are three legitimate reasons that have Bangkokians anxious and nervous… and I’m caught in the midst of it.

I could have been miles away - across the ocean in the Philippines reading about this flood in the papers, but that would mean being deprived an experience of catastrophic proportions. Now I’m marinated in this deluge, struggling to maintain the balance of work, family and an inundated home… and I’m relishing it.

So what can I do about it? Ah yes, take photos and write about it from my own presbyopic point of view.

The photos displayed here are predominantly from my cam with a few of someone else’s, but definitely in the areas within my small immediate community. Photos of the greater area of the flood can be accessed in the internet.

we were actually steeped in this filthy deluge for 3 straight weeks.

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