Sunday 17 July 2011

I'd rather walk - Marathon episode

It's been a while since she ran a mile long
and the joints and sinews have loosened up a bit.
With the call of the road and the surging throng,
"I'd rather walk" - a line to take the back seat.

She's got a pair of soft, well-worn running shoes,
A bright pink jersey that matches the blinding sun.
Other runners come in apparel of exciting hues
"I'd rather walk" - a phrase forgotten in the fun.

10 K stretched out ahead and she's ready to go,
A racehorse before the starting gate so-to-speak.
She's young and well, her strong body says so.
"I'd rather walk" - an adage reserved for the weak.

The pack surges fast at the blast of the starting horn,
Feet padding, arms swinging, lips sealed from talk.
Each turn and mile tells on her aching muscles worn,
She mumbles under her breath... " I'd rather walk."

(Dale Joy Bacabis-Paniza)

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