Wednesday 27 July 2011

Mr Bends

the sea is blue the sea is dark and very deep
black hidden holes with coral cliffs so steep
sharks, stingrays, snakes and critters grim
all these plus the fact that I cannot swim.

I was raised in the hills with a scrawny old goat
I knew then too well that I could never float
spent most of my time on a tennis court
chasing pretty girls and nice things of that sort.

a pal, a brother... this guy packed with fun
a diver, a tennis player... I call him kuya Sun
the challenge to take while I am still alive
kicked out my fear and took my first dive.

now I'm hooked and go diving everywhere
Koh Chang, Pattaya by cool compressed air
did Camiguin with a guy who knew no fear
turtles, foot-long lion fish in waters so clear.

25 meters, 200 bars of air and an hour to go
made the ascent too fast less DC stops oh
nagging pain in my joints that nitrogen lends
that's why they now call me poor mr. Bends.

(Reuben Ray Budayao Jr.)

Sunday 17 July 2011

I'd rather walk - Marathon episode

It's been a while since she ran a mile long
and the joints and sinews have loosened up a bit.
With the call of the road and the surging throng,
"I'd rather walk" - a line to take the back seat.

She's got a pair of soft, well-worn running shoes,
A bright pink jersey that matches the blinding sun.
Other runners come in apparel of exciting hues
"I'd rather walk" - a phrase forgotten in the fun.

10 K stretched out ahead and she's ready to go,
A racehorse before the starting gate so-to-speak.
She's young and well, her strong body says so.
"I'd rather walk" - an adage reserved for the weak.

The pack surges fast at the blast of the starting horn,
Feet padding, arms swinging, lips sealed from talk.
Each turn and mile tells on her aching muscles worn,
She mumbles under her breath... " I'd rather walk."

(Dale Joy Bacabis-Paniza)

King's cup marathon @ Pattaya

Sin City pushed sin to the sidelines for the weekend being the Buddhist Lenten weekend and was host to the King's Cup Asian Marathon.

This was a Full Marathon event (42K) but I registered for the Quarter Marathon race (10.8K).

Please click on the first photo to get the details:-))

Wednesday 6 July 2011

I'd rather walk - Koh Chang episode

Pristine white beaches, mist-shrouded mountains,
rushing surf, waterfalls and cool forest fountains.
lazy dogs napping and ever smiling island folk,
I honestly love the scene, but I'd rather walk.

Monkeys on the high tension wires are playing,
and elephants like extinct dinosaurs a-swaying.
Giant clams open and close as if they can talk,
I really like the place, but I'd rather walk.

Winding roads that precipitously hang on the cliffs,
Dizzying hairpin turns that make me hold on stiff.
Moss on the road, the rocks and the bamboo stalk.
This island is so enchanting, but I'd rather walk.

I'm on a speeding bike with a lady holding tight.
She likes it going fast if the road is clear in sight.
But when the road dips, climbs or turns to miry muck.
She'll say above her breath... "I'd rather walk!"

Monday 4 July 2011

Weekend @ Koh Chang

We left Bangkok whilst the sky was pelting cats and dogs, but our thoughts rested on the weatherman’s forecast that the next two days would be my namesake – Sunny. After six hours on the bus and before the sun came out from hiding we were at the pier of Ao Thammachart for the ferry crossing to Koh Chang.

This is one of the trips that I relish - a break from the daily grind at work, and lazying on the beach or blending with the marine life in the blue depths are irresistible lures that pull me time and again to some remote island beach.

This time Lambda Sigma diver2 – Cheery, and diver3 – Noods, came along with three landlubbers – Giel Ray, Jen and Joy, who had something else in mind – photos ops. This time of the year is considered “low season,” which means cheaper accommodations and more elbow room in shops and tour boats.

The photos can tell a better story so immerse yourself in our adventure by clicking the first photo. Enjoy!

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