Monday 15 December 2008

My Last Will and Testament

“In common law, a will or testament is a document by which a person (the testator) regulates the rights of others over his or her property or family after death.” [Wikipedia]  Reflecting on this definition I realized that I could not make use of a “last will” for the simple reason that after I have exited from this world, the only property that I would live behind would fit in a large bag, and this certainly would not need the services of a lawyer, much less the anxiety over who gets what.

So what I am writing about? Actually the title was merely employed to catch your interest and generate a little intrigue. 

The most interested would be the guys who have been dogging my shadow and praying that I would retrace my steps and retract the ‘blasphemous’ statements I made against the church of my birth or see the world events unfold and point out that I am wrong. This is far from it and I might take you even farther.

The title should really be “When It’s My Time to Go.” Some would want it by a plane crash so it would be quick and instantaneous. Others would opt for a slow painless cancer-caused death so they could set things right and be ready for the judgment day.

Five years ago I was faced with a dilemma that would determine my financial future. “Would you lose your job for Jesus?” was the question and I answered it with a big "yes." Three years after that reply I lost my job and up to this moment I am yet to land one. Some of my friends answered that question with a "no" but insisted that if the question was “would you die for Jesus?” they would not doubt affirm it.

Of the 12 disciples 5 were crucified, 2 were speared to death, 2 died by stoning, one was beheaded, another hanged himself and one died of old age in exile. One thing they all had in common is that they died for their master, and that is how I would want it to be for me.

I would not dictate how it would go, but for sure I would not want to be on a soft and cozy bed or anywhere inside my comfort zone when my time comes. Jesus died for me in the most gruesome, horrifying and painfully slow death. And his death not only took me out of my sins, it also started me out through timeless eternity.

I have been praying to God about this and I know that he will honor my wish – fighting to the end against the principalities of darkness as a soldier of the cross and nothing short of a martyr’s death.

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