Thursday 14 June 2018

Montri and Noi: Friends in Thailand

My family’s sojourn in the Kingdom of Siam - Thailand, is coming to an end. A decade and a year to be exact in “The Land of Smiles” - Thailand, and specifically in “The City of Angels” - Bangkok.

It was a time in our lives that saw us all: father, mother, son and daughter, employed by one hospital, on different floors: first, seventh, tenth and twelfth.

This chapter in our lives had such a large impact on our attitude and world view and I praise God Almighty for bringing us all through this wonderful experience. I do not have any intention at this point to narrate each activity that made our stay delightful since my previous posts already did justice to those memorable happenings. What I want to highlight is the neighborhood store that supported our stay and in a way made life easier for us.

 That is our alley and the gate at the right (#64) is the
apartment that we occupied in the quarter of our stay.

the street sign reads: soi 92 yaek 2. this is
the other end of our alley. The building nearest to the sign is 
the community store that serves this portion of the street. there
are about 3 other stores on soi 92 with practically the 
same merchandise. 

That is the front entrance to the store with the proprietors:
Montri and Noi. A lovely couple with a friendly and courteous 
disposition who would go the second mile for anyone. On thing
that was funny about our relationship was their ability to guess
what I was about to buy, be it a bottle of oil, some eggs, a can of
beer, etc. I guess it was the time of the day when I came to the 
store that helped them determine what I wanted.

One advantage that they over the other stores was their very good and understandable english. I never had the chance to ask about how they came to be good english speakers nor did I have the chance to know more about them.

Montri and Noi, I want you to know that you hold a very special place in my heart. The memories of living near you and the years of our friendship will always be treasured.

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