Sunday 29 January 2017

Friends 'til the sun doesn't shine

At the onset it should be clear that this is not about Noah's circle of friends. These ladies were not in his generation, not his gender and certainly not his acquaintance during the years when the bonds of their friendship were gaining strength one day at a time. Chronologically they were born between 7 - 10 years after Noah's introduction into the antediluvian world.

Nonetheless, Noah knows some of them like they were his friends too even if he hasn't met most of them.  Thanks to one of them who updates him with the latest news in the unending turn of events of their friendship, like  who just got a grandchild, who reconciled, who celebrated what, etc. and what they used to wear in school like starched skirts, sinking socks, chemise and hair bands. Yeah - girl stuff. Certainly not the likes of Noah to be around with.

Here's a photo of the main group that these friends came from. They were classmates in high school batch 1980 at the Immaculate Concepcion College in Davao city, which was an all-girl school.

A smaller circle of friends from this group is what Noah is talking about now. This "core" group is more than friends - something like sisters. They make it a point to have reunions as often as they can manage and these get-togethers take place anywhere in the world that they may happen to agree on.

Recently, Noah had the medium-rare chance of getting a taste of how it is to be around them. Here are some photos:

 dizzying - this photo aptly describes
how it is like to be around them as
a spectator or driver - as in
Noah's case.

when they say "jump," by heaven's sake
you gotta jump or in the case of the lady 
in the far right - fly. That's how Lalaine
Alvarez looks seconds before she landed with
a big thump on all fours. This group is 
hilarious, to say the least.

before Noah runs out of breath describing these
girls, here's a more domesticated photo of them
at the hollywood walk of fame.

Noah just could not resist including this photo
with a lady (far right) who's not a "friend." She's the 
daughter of the lady (second from left) and she happened 
to be with them by choice - her choice. She missed work
that day just so she could drive them around - with
Noah frantically trying to catch up in a second car.
She designed the tour herself, drove for them, took
their photos, gave advice on how to pose, and all the
while she maintained a very cheerful disposition...
...she even bought dinner for a mentally challenged
kid who was hanging around this joint while they
were having dinner. This was really something that
touched Noah to his soul. Apparently Jesus is in this 
lady's heart and she flaunted His love so naturally.

Before this piece ends Noah would like to introduce the reader to another aspect of this group's existence. It's about the non-member
who is forced by circumstance to tag along and silently bear all the repeated stories, girl-stuff issues and talks that would drag hours on end sometimes to the wee moments of the morning. Noah was offered his position more than once, but declined due to the hazards that came along with it. His recent introduction into the group at Los Angeles opened Noah's eyes to the reasons why Ric could survive under such stressful conditions, and Noah wouldn't need to think twice about joining when another reunion presents itself.

To the ladies in this story, Noah would like to give a warm hug of endearment. Thanks for keeping his wife happy and young throughout your friendship.

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