Friday 1 July 2016

samsung smartphone: a losing investment

The iPhone has been this writer's choice and previous phone before Samsung came into his life. It was a choice prodded by the good reviews about the great shots that the Samsung Galaxy Note4 made thus negating the need to tote a bulky camera during short trips.

True to the reviews this smartphone produced awesome night shots and some good unprepared shots just when you needed a cam in the nick of time.

15 months into the life of the Note4 some battery weakness was noted. The battery life became shorter and it was necessary to recharge twice a day in spite of minimal use.

20 months from purchase the phone just died without preceding signs and attempts to resuscitate it failed. Diagnosis? "mainboard damage." This came about a few days after a friend's sumsung phone spontaneously passed away and one day before my son's S4 also gave up the ghost - both diagnosed with the same fateful pronouncement: mother-freaking board failure.

With the phone costing as much as a good laptop computer, 20 months life-span is just pure failure of a product. No wonder the gadgets with this brand name have a very low resale value.

The photo below shows the damaged motherboard that was replaced...

... to the tune of 7,900 Baht or about 200 US$.

The reader is advised to avoid purchasing any Samsung product that has a motherboard. Apparently, it is the mother that is the problem.

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