Thursday 21 July 2016

Bangkok to Siem Reap (Angkor Wat) on two wobbly wheels: part 5 and last of a series

This is a continuation of part 4:

July 17, 2016 is the day that Siem Reap opened her arms to a crazy singing cyclist. Angkor Wat - a majestic ancient city received Noah with an ambiance of awesomeness that is second to none. Maybe she was aware that it took this guy over a year to prepare for this event and that he had to painstakingly pedal his way from Bangkok to see her.

Noah spent most of the day touring with the help of a very hospitable and cheerful tuktuk driver - Bun Heng. 

At this point Noah was struggling with a decision that he had deliberately procrastinated. It tore at the hinges of his heart to part with Mir and leave her behind, but he had to. It was not because she had served her purpose and lost her usefulness. Rather it was because Noah had to move on to another continent and bringing her along was not worth the effort and expense. Mir would be better off in Cambodia serving a new master.

It didn't take long for Noah to put Mir on display with a "for sale" sign, because the very guard who was in charge of the parking lot couldn't resist her beauty. Noah gave Mir one last hug - which brought laughter to the bystanders, got the cash and Mir took on another foreign sounding family name.

Here are some photos about Noah's stay in Siem Reap:

 Golden Temple Villa

 The welcome drink and snacks...
 ...while Noah waited for his room (below) to be done


The menu said "amok chicken" so out of curiosity Noah 
ordered one serving. To his disappointment it turned out 
to be chicken curry with a slew of veggies. In his mind 
he was imagining a rooster with a bloody machete in hand 
running amok.

Exotic food in Indochina knows no bounds. Tarantulas, frogs, all kinds of bugs, reptiles and worms, but this pile of rice paddy birds was what really took Noah's fancy. It brought his mind back to the younger days when hunting at the rice fields and hills of Bukidnon was his pastime. 

With Noah's dream adventure done, it was time to say good bye. Noah packed his stuff and noted that it was quite heavy. A quick weigh and some calculation revealed that Mir was carrying 95 - 100 kilograms (Noah's weight and stuff combined) through the 400-kilometer ride. No wonder her spokes couldn't stand the strain. Maybe the spokes of the wheel beside Noah could have been a better option.

 Noah boards this bus, which was a 10-hour direct Siem Reap - Bangkok trip. 

While boarding Noah heard some guys talking in a familiar sing-song western dialect. Ay abaw gid! si miss blondie kag si miss petite man gali. Mga taga Bacolod kag Iloilo. Daw sa ma kibot gid sila pagpamangkot ni Nowee sa ila kon diin sila makadto.

 The following day back in Bangkok, Noah's son treats his dad to a session of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) for a faster recovery from the fatigue.

Grandpa's lil lady couldn't resist getting into the chamber 
with him. She said that she wanted to be an astronaut.

The last photo is quite gross and viewer discretion is advised. 
The other things that Noah gained on this trip
were some scrambled eggs, tender loins, smoked
hamstrings and grilled legs. one month before
the trip Noah was treated for a bad case of 
hemorrhoids. If it did not heal in time he could
also have had some crushed ass-grapes to deal with.

Noah willed in his heart at the start of the trip that it would be an organic experience. This meant - no vitamins, power bars, energy drinks, pain-relief meds, etc, just his one-a-day anti-hypertensive medicine and fish oil capsule and all the street food along the way. It worked out fine for him.

The vision that Noah had a year ago led to an epic adventure that didn't break him. Rather, it taught him lessons that made him a better man. Noah will soon take on another adventure in another place and in God's own time. 

Noah would like to thank the reader for staying with him through the 5 chapters. He is also grateful for the support of his gorgeous wife - Jo Ann of Ark who was patient through the year that Noah was frequently out of town on training rides. To his son - JP and daughter-in-law - Nok for the snacks and cocktails while on his nightly rides and the HBOT, and to his daughter - Kukie and granddaughter - Kailee who sometimes accompanied him on their bikes in his training rounds. 

God Almighty be praised!

1 comment:

 Kailee's most recent thoughts - November 30, 2022 Hi loloooo Enter Kailee I know this is really sudden but I just wanted to show you th...