Saturday 28 May 2016

Grandpa's not-so-lil girl and the dinosaurs

The very first person to directly benefit from Noah's retirement was his lively granddaughter - Kailee. Two days after grandpa's termination she was spotted in the Dinosaur Planet at Sukhumvit road, Bangkok.

 she's got her tickets!

believe it or not, but there were footprints of the dinos at the sidewalk in Sukhumvit.

 this is the first photo when she got in and she was really excited.

she ran from one dino skeleton to another trying to soak up
everything and noah had to steady her for some shots.

kaileesaurus with her dinomic smile

She's imagining that she's in a jurassic time-warp
straight out from a book

a rubbery raptor that was chasing the kids around. Just imagine
the guy inside sweating like a pigosaurus.

dunkin donuts with their yummy dino treats

just done with the raptor extreme experience

a valley full of dinos

on a vintage weapons carrier jeep

she could have taken this cuddly t.rex baby home if
only it's mom wasnt watching

Noah didn't allow the dinos inside the ark so we
just had this shot to remember them by.

Friday 27 May 2016

Is there life after retirement?

Noah got on his bicycle on the very first day of retirement to find the answer to this nagging question. It didn’t matter that the Bangkok temperature was climbing past 30 degrees Celsius at 10 AM or that the breakfast of oats and egg sandwich that he hurriedly whipped up was insufficient in calories for a long ride. What mattered was the chance to prove – like Columbus of old, that there was life at the edge of retirement and that you don’t fall off the flat world of labor and employment when you’re terminated and dismissed.

Noah's favorite pit stop during long rides. It has everything you want or need to keep pedaling in the heat.

Spicy chicken lunch at the same pit stop

a road-side mobile stall with exotic fruits (durian and mangosteen)

Noah came home from his trip with irrefutable proof that there is life after retirement. This could set the trend for what lies ahead in the days to come.

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Just another day in the life of Noah

Noah’s steps as he trudged to the Ark were slow – almost deliberate. This time of the day was unusually balmy and pleasant, when in most days it would be hot, and sweat would break out even before he stepped into the Ark.

The scan clocks were oddly vacant this morning as he timed in and the elevator only had a few sleep-stoned souls toting their breakfast to work. The unlit office at the 12th floor was eerily empty except for one obsessed dude with eyes glued to the monitor unmindful of Noah’s presence.

Noah heats up the coffeemaker for one more brew before he brings the stained mug to his lips for the goodbye kiss, and the hot black Arabica pauses as it trickles down his throat as if to whisper - “miss you.”

It may have seemed just another day were it not for the fact that this was Noah’s last day at work and the close of another memorable chapter in his life. One major milestone reached, one more trophy in the bag and another book of memoirs sealed before Noah sets sail for yet another exciting journey into the unknown.

Monday 23 May 2016

saying goodbye to the Yanhee super heroes

Yeah... super heroes they all are. If not for these guys Yanhee International Hospital wouldn't have grown this big and this famous. They're the ones responsible for bringing in clients from all over the world. They're actually Yanhee's online ambassadors.

They know everything super heroes should know. They answer all questions thrown from the four corners of the world regarding plastic surgery, skin treatment, hair transplant, vaginal rejuvenation, sex change, medical, surgical, dental... you name it - they know it.

You mock them, scold them or do anything to piss them off and they'll stay composed and professional. super heroes no less.

You send them photos showing all areas of the anatomy at whatever imaginable angle and whatever imaginable condition and they know what you need, how much it would cost you and how you'll look after the surgery or if you'll really bleed on the night of your honeymoon.

They're not called super heroes for nothin'... and they said their goodbyes last night in an dinner held in honor of Ella and Noah.

Thank you super heroes... you will forever live and conquer 
in my memory.

Thanks Doc Mic for the character transformation - you're a genius!

Saturday 14 May 2016

How to celebrate your 60th birthday

Here are the steps on how this is done:

1. Give your kids the chance to plan for it. In other words allow them to surprise you. It doesn’t matter that you were in charge of all the parties in the past and that you want to personally prepare for this particular one.

2. Ask your granddaughter secretly if she knows where the birthday dinner will be. Her answer? “At a wine factory” and then she corrects herself – “at a beer restaurant.”

3. Allow your family to drive you to the venue and let the photos complete the story

 The wine factory aka beer restaurant was actually the Tawandang German Brewery. Be sure to get there a little bit earlier to avoid the TGIF evening rush. That's the granddaughter.

 the giant vats where the beer is brewed. they have 3 types of beer.

 the main ground floor and balconies on the side. there are more private rooms at the first and second levels.

the first mug of dunkel with the most beautiful lady in town. What else can an wizened bloke ask for? this was taken while waiting for the rest of the gang to arrive.

 the party getting underway

 some of the delicious dishes. a mix of thai and german

really great tasting brews

 the variety show with an authentic thai rendition to start it

 complete with theatrical effects

 The band and performers were really awesome

we were surprised to see ImStiew (the guy at the center with a drum) the BF of an office-mate.

 "and now the end is near..." yeah - "my way" and he really sounded like the original. luckily he survived, unlike some poor dude in the philippines who got stabbed for singing that song. lol

another surprise... and yeah - that's the face of happiness

hahaha... a bike!

 the nth toast for the night

Mandatory pose at the foyer before heading home. the ones who drank the least get to drive home.

This time they won't let me take the tab and i got some presents to boot. So this is what it takes to turn 60? Thanks family for making this event most memorable. Love y'all. 

Now let's see what else life has in store!

 Kailee's most recent thoughts - November 30, 2022 Hi loloooo Enter Kailee I know this is really sudden but I just wanted to show you th...