Saturday 18 October 2014

"Happy Sabbath"

This casual and seemingly sweet greeting, exclusively spoken by the Seventh-day Adventists (SDA) has cryptic undertones that escape the mind of the people who habitually say it.

It actually is just the tip of the iceberg of a greater conspiracy to unseat Jesus from his throne and to prevent the Holy Spirit from taking possession of the individual.

Central in this conspiracy is the propping up of the “SABBATH” on a pedestal with the support of an obsolete Old Covenant commandment – the fourth, which commanded the ancient Israelite to “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.” This, plus the visions of an 1800’s prophetess supply the elements of this conspiracy.

Here’s proof to that conspiracy:

1.   Believers of the gospel since the establishment of the New Testament have been called “Christians.” (Acts 11:26). “Christ” is identified in the name by which his believers are called.

The Seventh-day Adventist church junked the word Christian and called themselves by the name of a number of a day of the week – seventh, Sabbath. Christ in this sense was struck out from the identity of a group of people who profess to believe in him. Sabadista – sabado or Sabbath is now the identity of these people. There is no “Christ” in their official name – Seventh-day Adventist.

2.  This church believes and teaches that the Seal of God is the Sabbath contrary to what the Bible teaches that the Holy Spirit is the seal of God (Eph 1:13). In this case the Sabbath impeached the Holy Spirit as God’s seal.

3.  Paul taught that the believers should greet each other with a holy kiss in the name of Jesus. (Phil 4:21; 2 Cor 13:12). The SDA instead greet each other - “happy Sabbath.”

4. The Saints will appear before Jesus in his return with the name of God engraved on their foreheads giving the identity of the saved (Rev 14: 1). The prophetess of the SDA states that Sabbath will be the issue at the final judgment and it will separate the doomed from the saved. (SM bk 3 p 423)

     5. Jesus says that he is the “rest” for everyone with a heavy burden. (Matt 11:24;  Heb 4). The SDA have the Sabbath as their rest.

The “Sabadistas” unknowingly have doctrines that elevate their Sabbath over Jesus and the Holy Spirit. One will also note that this group places more effort in the observance and teachings of the Sabbath then preaching about the saving grace of Jesus. The Holy Spirit is something that they frequently seek, but never experience.

So, how are these group of people identified by the non-SDA people around them? Yes, by the Sabbath. Just ask anyone who is acquainted with this group the question - "who are these SDA?" and the answer would be, "the Sabadistas? they don't work on Sabado, they don't eat pork or drink alcohol."

Back to the Bible. According to Jesus, how are the Christians recognized as his disciples? "By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." (John 13:35)

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