Thursday 16 May 2013


The title may be a desperate attempt to mask the age of this writer although the photos don’t lie and there is no doubt that I am officially 57 years old as stated in my passport.

I am obliged to post an entry to this blog to document each passing year ‘till I breathe my last and depart from mother earth’s embrace.

God has been sustaining me throughout my rollercoaster life. It has been an exhilarating and thrilling ride all the while and I don’t intend to get off yet.

Here are some photos of the year that added the 57th milestone to my aging bones.

the whole shebang at Oishi buffet celebrating the aging process.

this lively tyke keeps me young with her antics

 Blessed with a visit by dear friends from high school years

 did a medical mission trip to bless the Karen kids... the remote villages on the mountain range 
straddling the Thai-Burma border

 Did the North Face trail run on the mountains of 
central Thailand

scuba diving and underwater photography goes 
up another notch

God's creation is awesome under the waves

 Noah's wife kicks her fear, takes up Noah's
sport and loves it -  she's hooked for life.

 My sis Ethel's son - Jong, graduates from 
US Navy nuclear school.

Elaine, her youngest daughter also graduates from high school
and is accepted at the prestigious University of California, 
San Diego

Kailee finishes kindergarten at the top of her class.

Chito - a frat brother and buddy comes for a visit and 
we reminisce the years and drinks when we were 30 years younger.

I had the chance to donate blood every 3 months this 
year, which means that I gave a total of 2 liters 
= 40 - 50% of my total blood volume.

On top of all these events that took place this year I would like to declare that Jesus is still the center of my life and that my heart is still overflowing with praise and thanks for His taking me out of the untruthful doctrines of the Seventh-day Adventist church into the marvelous light of His mercy and grace.


  1. I am honoured to have a friend like you, bro, who's so loved and blessed in all his life. To imitate your life is a challenge to me. Cheers!

  2. thanks! the honor and pleasure of our friendship is mine bro. i still have to break more guitar strings and grow callous on my finger tips before i can fully imitate my idol, that is you.


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