Wednesday 18 January 2012

Facebook Blues

My timeline states I’ve been with facebook since 20 zero eight
That means I’ve been “posting” and “liking” for 4 years straight
This game with a click has wrought such mighty wonders for me
Gathered up all my friends and brought back memories and glee.

Old crushes, legit girlfriends, classmates and students reconnect
“I was your friend” one said but I can’t recall when, what the heck!
This world’s so huge and I’ve been around longer I did realize
Fb is a brain substitute and for my failing memory would suffice.

Some guys in my childhood I have been wanting so long to see
Seems they don’t have an account or refuse to, is a mystery to me
I bet they’re contented with life or maybe are too busy to say hi
If they only knew what I’m relishing there is no saying goodbye.

The click of “like” I discovered conveys a thousand meanings
“Unfriend” on the other hand keeps out the nasty old feelings.
A former girlfriend’s hubby may over react to some friendly post
A suspecting wife hovers over the thread like an insecure ghost.

It takes more than just wit and humor to stay alive in this game
You can’t twist the meanings to suit what you want to your name.
One person’s thoughts on a single phrase may not be akin to yours
You can’t see the mood or feel the pulse right from the very source.

You’re right on the track to senility and you’re trying hard to cope
Old friends in facebook offer you happiness and maybe some hope
Holed up in your insecurities held up by some stinking old grudge
Friends push you to think clearly but it seems that you won’t budge.

Yeah old friend, the enjoyment or the misery is all inside your head
Whichever you choose may either bring fun or take you down instead.
Just like life itself this online friendship is the attitude that we choose
You either ride on the wings of delight or live with the bitter FB blues.


  1. made me smile reading your blog fwend... one liner you wrote "The suspecting wife hovers over the thread like an insecure ghost." hahaha... funny but true...happened to a hs batchmate...

  2. funny and pathetic at the same time fwend. I'm happy and blessed to have a wife who is open-minded, trusting and understanding. she doesnt give malice to my posts and my continued friendship with my former gfs.

    This thing about wives has been around for so long and Solomon gave his observation.
    "A quarrelsome wife is like the dripping of a leaky roof in a rainstorm." Prov27:15
    "A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies." Prov31:10

  3. nice verses fwend....'s not new anymore.. i go for Prov. 31:10 ... you're really blessed to have joan .. if not .... instead you got a ghost ... maybe you're not in fb anymore...:-) and locked inside...:-)))


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