Wednesday 18 January 2012

Facebook Blues

My timeline states I’ve been with facebook since 20 zero eight
That means I’ve been “posting” and “liking” for 4 years straight
This game with a click has wrought such mighty wonders for me
Gathered up all my friends and brought back memories and glee.

Old crushes, legit girlfriends, classmates and students reconnect
“I was your friend” one said but I can’t recall when, what the heck!
This world’s so huge and I’ve been around longer I did realize
Fb is a brain substitute and for my failing memory would suffice.

Some guys in my childhood I have been wanting so long to see
Seems they don’t have an account or refuse to, is a mystery to me
I bet they’re contented with life or maybe are too busy to say hi
If they only knew what I’m relishing there is no saying goodbye.

The click of “like” I discovered conveys a thousand meanings
“Unfriend” on the other hand keeps out the nasty old feelings.
A former girlfriend’s hubby may over react to some friendly post
A suspecting wife hovers over the thread like an insecure ghost.

It takes more than just wit and humor to stay alive in this game
You can’t twist the meanings to suit what you want to your name.
One person’s thoughts on a single phrase may not be akin to yours
You can’t see the mood or feel the pulse right from the very source.

You’re right on the track to senility and you’re trying hard to cope
Old friends in facebook offer you happiness and maybe some hope
Holed up in your insecurities held up by some stinking old grudge
Friends push you to think clearly but it seems that you won’t budge.

Yeah old friend, the enjoyment or the misery is all inside your head
Whichever you choose may either bring fun or take you down instead.
Just like life itself this online friendship is the attitude that we choose
You either ride on the wings of delight or live with the bitter FB blues.

Monday 9 January 2012

Reasons why the claims of a Sunday Law is absurd from the Biblical point of view

1. It is not mentioned, hinted or supported by the Bible and is an actual addition to the prophecies already stated. This is not allowed by the Bible. “I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to that person the plagues described in this scroll. And if anyone takes words away from this scroll of prophecy, God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City, which are described in this scroll.” Rev22:18,19

2. The Christian is not bound by a specific day of worship. “One person considers one day more sacred than another; another considers every day alike. Each of them should be fully convinced in their own mind. Whoever regards one day as special does so to the Lord... For none of us lives for ourselves alone, and none of us dies for ourselves alone. If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.” Rom14:5-9

3. The “Sabbath - God’s seal” as claimed by the author and advocates of this prophecy contradicts the biblical seal of God as outlined in the Christian’s covenant. (Eph1:13,14)

4. There is no sin in the Christian’s covenant with God with regards to a day of worship. Any sin regarding the Sabbath is limited to the Israelites’ covenant and does not apply to the Christian in the New Covenant. “Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ.” Col2:16,17

5. The Sabbath law alluded to by this prophecy was a covenant with the ancient Israelites and has been rendered “obsolete” by the creation of the Christian’s covenant – the New Covenant. “By calling this covenant “new,” he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear.” Heb8:13

6. Any attempt to uphold the Sabbath Law to influence one’s salvation renders the death of Jesus needless and useless and severs one from fellowship with Jesus. “I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing!” Gal2:21; “You who are trying to be justified by the law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace.” Gal5:4

Monday 2 January 2012

Reunion - just the way you are - 1

People come in and out of our lives. Some leaving heavy footprint while others just a scent that soon dissipates in the atmosphere. Friends, acquaintances, business associates, competitors and foes alike in one way or another help weave the fabric of our lives.

I will confess with all honesty that the prettier the face, the longer the association and the more painful or romantic the experience are the factors to remembering the friends who came into my life. I will also admit that Facebook untangled the mess of my memory and paved the way for a reunion with the guys in this album.

The theme - "Just the way you are," was chosen after we noted that the body and memory changes in the past 38 years badly needed some surgical or therapeutic remedies, and yet this won't get in the way of our friendship.

This reunion may seem one-of-a-kind, but I am quite certain that this is just the first domino in the stack of reunions I am destined to have.

The photos in this album are contributions from many cameras and I organized them in a chronological order. 

Erbing met me at the airport... he and wife - Mary with daughter - Mayang got up early that day and drove for an hour and a half to get to the airport. I felt like I was the president of america. thanks Bing, Mary and Mayang. love you guys.

brunch at abreeza mall. sea food with pork and chicken bbq.

these guys started rubbing elbows in a time when watching the girls go by was considered a sport.

next stop: market. yellow fin tuna is soo rare in thailand and costs 2,000 pesos/kg.

fish so fresh... never in thailand

panga and tiyan. my digestive juices were starting to digest the lining of my stomach.

venue: Erbing and Mary's home in Bansalan, Davao del Sur. this couple took total control of the travel and food preparations and refused any monetary contribution. that is unfathomable love.

this patio was constructed a few weeks ago to accommodate the reunion.

ready for the grill

that's it

kinilaw... sushimi

a 30kg lechon with crispy skin.. yummy!

panga ready for eating

drinks and pig skin... we also had 2 big glass jugs of carlo rossi red wine which disappeared into thin air.

lilibeth arrives with a hat for me... no doubt she hates my shiny head. thanks bing!

a group pose minus ann... she was late because she had to fly in from an appointment at the u.s. embassy in manila.

finally a complete group pose

trying out my headgear... for another party

that's ann with her cute voice and much cuter dance.

inday's one and only song... if not for her constant texting on the fone she could have sang more songs and lulled us to sleep with the beautiful voice.

crying time with tune... i forgot the song but it was a tagalog song about breaking up, which appropriately described her present situation. this was done in fun though and like anytime in her life erbs and i were there to support her unconditionally.

this lady performed 32 songs in a row and most of the time we were spellbound short of knowing the songs she sang. what a talented bff!

the best photo in the world! what kind of song requires the mouth to assume such a grotesque shape? hahaha

erbing and his dancers

group sing and dance

the very talented erbing again!

dedicated to you bro...

dedicated to me?

"c'mon erbing do a jig for us!"

i supplied the "aaaaahhh" in the song... "loving you."

marching to the music sda style

fone in her hand is low batt... so is Inday.

party at Joy Bariquit's house. we used to visit this house when we were in high school.

papa-it ~ goat... i miss these dishes. don't see any resto in bangkok serving goat meat.




drinking with jay sonza and boy... joy's hubby.

RC.. yeah. the guy she loved 38 years ago.

breakfast fare at Erbing's dried danggit and squid... hmmmm.

beef steak, blue marlin steak... sweet and sour lapu-lapu for lunch at an open air resto in ecoland

last saw Zeny in 1972

halo-halo at chowking to celebrate our little reunion.

closeup photo of Zeny

Joana's debut party at DavCon... "arabian nights" was the theme.

the sheikh said the opening prayer

belly dancers showing off their bellies... what else?

they were good at it.

Tune and Joana with the shah

Erbing is conspicuously missing the other arm of the couch should have been occupied by him.

tune and her 4 gorgeous daughters

on the dance floor

checked in at the pinnacle hotel after the party. Tune had this suite ready for us.

"how do you operate a mac?"

breakfast with bogs, vida and edith

pan de sal... miss you much

seeing bing off at the airport

my companion at the pre-departure area. got this at the duty free shop in naia. I spent about 2 hours waiting for my flight to bangkok and it gave me enough time to meditate on God's goodness. Hallelujah!

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