Saturday 24 May 2008

Better late than never

At 11 months Kailee still has a lot of catching up to do. For the average baby, teeth and hair would be very evident at this age, but for my "apo" this part of her anatomy is only starting to show.

This album will document the 2 lower incisors that are just starting to peep out, and her hair that is shy and refuses to come out in the open. Will she be a late bloomer?


  1. FYI : we actually pray for it. hahahha

  2. God answers prayer...He wants us to be patient and trusting...God looks at the heart. Jong had no hair when he was little...look at his hair now.

  3. hahahha at least jong's a boy tita. hahahahahah

  4. wawa naman parang she was really showing her teeth. hihi


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