Saturday 3 March 2018

Finding a wife

She was 14 years of age when her cousin came home for the summer break from a school in a different province and they had a nice chat about school life and how she missed home. Before the cousin left she got a photo of somebody - a boy, from her bag and slipped it into the frame holding the mirror of the dresser. The younger lass protested and ask what that was for, and the cousin said to just keep the photo there because someday she would meet that boy.

That was about 2 years before I moved to Davao City to take up the medical course, and without my knowledge, my picture, all the while was in a 14-yearold girl's bedroom, at a strategic location where she could see it every time she looked at her face in the mirror.

I knew Jo Ann since she was about 5 years old while I was in high school. Her older brother was in my batch and so I knew his family well. Coming back to Davao City after being away throughout my college years was exciting for me and when I met this 16-year old senior high school lass it was a jaw-dropping moment. The tender bud I knew was now a flower in the early stages of blooming.

It was in a movie house with the James Bond movie - "The Moonraker," where I got the chance to woo her since she conveniently happened to sit next to me. The details of the movie were not what mattered then since I was intent in my mission and luckily I succeeded. From then it would be 3 years of romance before we tied the knot in a simple home wedding at her dad's sister Judge Milagrosa Nartatez's house who also officiated it. 

Those who stood as witnesses for the occasion where Mrs. Estrella Adao - Jo Ann's aunt, Mrs. Emmeline Maglalang - Jo Ann's cousin, Mrs. Norma Sumicad and Mrs. Letty Cerna both my aunts. Chito and Cindy Prat were also present. Ethel, my only sibling was the only one from my immediate family was the only one present, because my parents who lived in Iligan City chose not to come for the occasion.

Finding a wife wasn't actually a problem for me, it was getting married that took a lot of guts and sheer determination to do it without the backing of my own father.

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