Saturday 2 January 2016

a pedal-pusher's confession

Biking is euphoric, but not orgasmic... or maybe - yes.

the following contrasting scenarios prove the point:

first scene: 

8 hours of sitting at the office with your fingers at the keyboard. you shift your butt side-side and forward-back. you stretch a leg and then the other then you take a small stroll to the toilet and back. that's it!

second scene:

you jump on the saddle, kick the pedals and gain momentum through the river of cars. wind pushes on the face and ears. you try to beat the red light at the junction or pass a bus that has just left the bus stop. a high bridge looms before you and you climb it with your heart in a wild gallop. down the opposite side is a rush without a care in the world.

the year 2015 saw the following fulfilled:

1. total kilometers done: 3,524. for an idea on the distance, the  Aparri to Jolo road distance is 1,809km)
2. total elevation gained: 7,982 meters
3. total time on the saddle: 183:16:08
4. total number of trips: 102
5. weight lost: from 82 kg to 75.5 kg = 6.5kg gone
6. waist circumference reduction: 36 to 33 = 3 inches less
7. blood pressure stabilized at 130/75 when before it was 140/90
8. regular prostate massage = BPH gone and voiding is unhindered
9. number of accidents: 1 (had to brake hard to avoid a taxi that    stopped so suddenly, grazing a knee on the pavement in the process)

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